The girls back then…
In my previous post I briefly mentioned sponsoring two of my nieces’ camp fee. Well, these are those two. Chicki and Shanti. They were born a few days apart, with Shanti coming out in August 30, and Chicki on September 2nd. But this is a scanned photo from many many moons ago. I’m pretty sure I took this photo, it was back when we lived inside the Seminary compound and I spent a lot of time with both of them.
I hope they’re having a grand time at camp, and that they’re able to vent out their pent up emotions about their families. Looking at their smiles here, don’t you just see all that they can become and all that they can achieve? They’re in highschool now, already at an age where the decisions they make can determine the course of the rest of their lives.
I hope that they remember how loved they are, and that they still feel that love, and be guided in their future decisions.
Anyway… I don’t believe I displayed my current desktop here yet. The photos in the template by Heather Ann Designs are of my nephew Esban and my Dad, taken during his birthday celebration, March 31st, which was also his sister’s grade school graduation (she’s the one at the bottom picture):
April 14, 2009 @ 9:08 pm
How sweet they look!
Thank you for the visit & comment – the monster horse looks even bigger than life on that photo 🙂
Digiscrapping looks so much fun. One more hobby to squeeze in, perhaps…
April 15, 2009 @ 1:17 am
how cute they are 🙂
April 15, 2009 @ 6:53 pm
Lovely smiles on the first pic and your desktop calendar too. This reminds me of my nephews and nieces as well. Sometimes, I can’t imagine seeing them so big and grown up now. I used to carry them and change their diapers, now they’re bigger than Auntie!
April 16, 2009 @ 11:55 am
Thank you! I love these kids like they were my own 🙂