Project Update – Sleep and Work/Life Balance

Two weeks have passed since I resolved to create new habits. I wish I had better news, but I have to be honest. I have more Xs than checks on my trackers.

So I haven’t been getting enough sleep. But that brings me back to the question of how much sleep is enough sleep? I know, I set a goal of 7 hours because I’ve read more than once that it’s theĀ optimumĀ number of hours of sleep an adult needs daily. But I’ve not been much successful. I have done it a few times, but mostly, 6 hours seems to be the longest on a workday. Most of the time, I automatically wake up after just four hours of sleep. Seriously, I’ve stopped setting an alarm because I wake up without one anyway. And it sucks because then I try hard to sleep again which only happens after about two hours when it’s time to actually get up and get ready for work.

This intense summer heat also isn’t helping. Funny thing is, when the husband and I try to sleep in the same bed, sometimes we end up chatting each other up! Haha.

But there’s progress, and I’ll take that any day.

Progress NOT Perfection

Progress NOT Perfection


What I’ve noticed is that when it comes to Habit 1 – Work/Life balance, it helps to have someone pressure me to go home at the appointed time. My friend and colleague lives nearby and hitches a ride with me. If she leaves before I do, chances are I wouldn’t make goal. It also helps to take my lunches along with others. So I’ve taken breaks, but still mostly at my desk. I’ve also loved coming home early. It gives me and the hubby a bit more time to talk. I’ve also been able to help a bit more with some chores, just a bit. Hope to do more.

So I’ll keep at it. Rome wasn’t built in a day. How are you coming along with your own projects?