
Was he that drunk?

So Alfred came home at around 3AM earlier, from having a long night out with his friends. Which set of friends, I’m not really sure of.

He didn’t seem to be all that drunk. He remembered to brush his teeth, and then head back downstairs to check if he left the fridge door ajar.

He did fall asleep easily, after just a few minutes of chatting with me.

Maybe after an hour or so, I felt him get up and open the door. I figured he went to the john. Then the next thing I heard was the stand fan crashing!

I got up and saw him right there at the foot of the bed, on top of our shoe rack and the electric fan!

I pulled the plug on the fan because though it was cracked so many places, it was still working. Thank goodness it didn’t cut off any of his fingers or what! The shoe rack seems damaged too, but I haven’t assessed it yet. I pulled him up – quite a feat – and he went straight back to sleep. I was wondering if he had passed out, I think he just really fell asleep while still standing? I mean, he was snoring!

So I checked on the fan hoping to get it up again, but it wasn’t possible. I left it right there, in the exact state as they were when he fell, so he can see them for himself when he gets up.

I’d take a photo to share but I’m too lazy to go down and get my phone cable so I can transfer the photos to the laptop.

Aye, his been drunk before but this is the first time anything like this has ever happened!

Twilight, the movie version

On Tuesday, we finally saw the movie that both Alfred and I have been waiting for. We had a nice, filling  lunch at House of Minis, also in Greenhills, right before the screening.

I felt that there are many aspects in which it could have been improved, but as it is, it wasn’t all that bad. In fact, I wouldn’t mind watching it again, and again. And again.

First, I didn’t really like the makeup. They’re all supposed to look gorgeous, perfect, god-like. Instead, they looked like hell. Except Emmet, and Victoria (didn’t she look prettier than Rosalie?). Jasper and Alice were a bit of a disappointment, not to mention Rosalie who was supposed to be the yardstick for beauty herself. But as the movie progressed, they did grow on me and I was able to get past the bad makeup.

Bellas’s voice. Okay, I had seen the trailer before so I was prepared to see the movie Bella and reconciled her to a smaller version I had seen in my mind while reading the books. But when I heard her speak, she felt more different to me. She looked and sounded stronger than the Bella in Twilight, the book. She was the inner Bella, you know what I mean? Meyer made her look fragile at first, one who needed protection – there was none of that in the movie version. It was like Edward’s need to protect her was unfounded. Hehe.

And where was Edward’s confidence and air? He looked the opposite of the confident young man I pictured him to be. He was always hunched over, even while walking.

They did an awesome job with the sunny sparkly scene. I think that was what I wanted to see the most. Hehe. 

The movie was too short, in my opinion. Too short to really show the rest of the world who didn’t read the book, why millions have been hooked to the saga.

Anyway… We caught an early screening on a weekday so there weren’t a lot of people in the cinema. There was a group of elderly ladies who sat beside us. There were about four of them. Alfred and I looked at each other as they entered. We were wondering whether they had read the books, or had daughters/granddaughters who did. They quietly watched; in fact, I think Alfred and I were the noisiest in there.

So have you seen it? What do you think of it?

So is 2009 the year we spend our anniversary out of town?

Two years ago I told Alfred I wanted to spend a weekend out of town – Tagaytay specifically. He didn’t want to go because – ahh I don’t know why.

Last year, we were supposed to spend our anniversary weekend at this quaint resort in Laguna. It didn’t push through. 

Last week we were talking about where we wanted to go. It has to be somewhere just near, and we wouldn’t need to spend too much money (because we don’t have much to spend). Tagaytay cropped up in the conversation again. Alfred mentioned that it would be so much easier if I could drive, then we’d have no problem with transportation. How true!

Me, drive? I don’t know much about cars, don’t know shit about suspension and steering rack. I watch Overhaulin, American Hot Rod, Top Gear, and all those other car shows on cable, but I cannot really drive. I know all about the theory, from tagging along and being at the backseat when my mom was taking her driving lessons from A1 more than a decade ago. But I cannot actually drive. I long for that freedom. The places we’d go see if only I could drive. Sigh. 

But back to what I was saying… I really hope we do get to spend a weekend in Tagaytay in January. I can already sense busy weeks ahead of me. If the last week I had at work were any indication, I’ll be back to my long hours at work on a regular basis. In times like these, it would help keep me going if I had a weekend getaway to look forward to. 🙂

Christmas came a few weeks early :)

Alfred and I have already exchanged Christmas gifts for each other. For several years now, there’s really no surprise anymore when it comes to our presents for each other. He doesn’t like surprises, you see. So he usually just gets me something he knows I really want, and I also get him one that he actually asks for.

But I was still surprised when he offered to get this for me when I finally found a copy at Fully Booked Greenhills:

 This baking book first caught my attention about two months ago, at which time I blogged about it here. I only saw an actual copy last Saturday, when I sought it out. At the same time that I saw it, I also found the Martha Stewart Baking Handbook.

When he saw that I was hesitant to purchase either books after checking out the price, Alfred immediately offered to get it for me – as my early Christmas present. The next crucial decision that took me around 15 or 20 minutes to make, was which one to get. Obviously this one won out, but it was really a tough choice. Both books gave tips for beginner bakers and offered plenty of recipes to choose from. I felt that Martha’s was friendlier for beginners and was actually more inclined to get that first, and then to just come back for ArtNSoul when I’m done with it. But there was something about this huge baking book that really just drew me in.

I have not yet taken it out from the FB bag since I brought it home. I want to be ready to tackle it when I do so. First I’ll be reading through it, and then picking out which recipes I’d like to try. Then I’ll prepare the environment for actual baking: starting with the oven. Maybe if I just clean it up, it’ll function better. At this point, I am shelving the idea of buying an oven because I need to prioritize payments for the condo. I need money to spruce it up a bit, and then finally rent it out. One’s that’s all set I can get a loan from mom or brother bear for a big new oven.

I have this other recipe book I’m itching to get, Anita Chu’s Field Guide to Cookies. It isn’t available here though and I haven’t mustered enough courage yet to ask a relative if I can have it delivered to his place and then he’ll bring it over when he comes home in a few weeks for his wedding. I mean, he’s going to be busy right, I wouldn’t want to add on to that.

Anyway, as for my present to the boyfriend, he got what he wanted too. A new watch!

It’s a Swatch Chronos with their new plastic/silicone (?) technology that makes this thing that looks ginormous so lightweight! It cost more than what I am ever willing to spend on one single watch so Alfred’s paying for the rest. We still consider it a present though. 

You should have seen how happy he was with it. 🙂

I tried on some of the watches too, and I really wanted to take some of them home with me (lookup the Curvaleous and Color the Sky – this one reminds me of my previous blog layout). I seriously had to restrain myself. It’s been a long time since I’ve worn a watch. I still have my old black beady Swatch that just needs a new battery. I can always just have that battery replaced if I really needed to wear a watch. I just wasn’t up to spending a fortune on the Curvaleous. 

We had to walk around the mall before Alfred finally finally decided to bring home that watch. I still had to keep my eyes away from the two watches I fancied so I wouldn’t be tempted to add them in to the purchase. Haha.

We had brunch at a Japanese restaurant before heading home. Salmon sashimi again, after so long!

Saturday Shopping Marathon

Wow – Saturday shopping marathon. My feet hurt! 😀

With only a few hours’ sleep, I went out with Alfred to spend some of his money. He’s been wanting to get a new pair of Adidas since last month but things got in the way. Yesterday, we were finally successful. 🙂 And I actually like the pair he got this time. It’s black, with a shell toe. I wish I knew what model it is (Superstar 2, is it?) but I don’t. I’d have dug up a photo on the Net just to show you. Maybe I could convince to take a photo of him wearing it. Hehe.

I got to buy a couple of polo shirts for myself. Two more colors that I don’t have yet. I totally see myself wearing more jeans and shirts again at work. I was actually looking for a yellow shirt to wear to work on Thursday because we have a color coding theme week going on for this busy busy week that’s coming for us. I never wear yellow so I knew I gotta look for a shirt. Good thing Alfred remembered that my new sweater is actually yellow gold. That should do perfectly. 😉

Alfred was supposed to treat me out to lunch or dinner because he’s ranked number for the last pay period (Yay Baby! So proud of you! :)), but we were so hungry when we woke up, we ended up eating before leaving home. And because we only had a few hours’ sleep, our energies were so low, we got tired easily. We decided to cut short our shopping spree and just head back home. 

Now since Ma had just come back from Bangkok, she and dad had plans to shop at the Duty Free Mall and I told them I wanted to come too. When Alfred and I got home, Dad was already dressed while Mom was prepping to go. I got to steal a few minutes of sleep before we left. Alfred got at least a full hour of sleep by staying home – he had to go to work at 8PM. I was so uncomfortable in the car – weird. It didn’t stop me from dozing off though, almost all the way to Duty Free.

There were so many people there shopping because they’ve got a big sale ongoing and the shops were open until midnight. We didn’t buy too much, but I did pick up a bottle of Bailey’s in mint chocolate and two packs of mini Reese cups! These seem to be my favorite items to stock on whenever we go there. Haha. As usual, we picked up some perfume too and this time we got cute freebie cosmetic bags – and I like the one from Esprit!

We didn’t go to the grocery section anymore because Dad was already hungry, and my feet already hurt. Besides, we were sure the lines at the register would be long again, what with the number of people shopping there. It was almost ten o’clock when we got to sit down for dinner. I was so full it got me even more sleepy. I was out the whole drive home. I had thought I’d be up looking at the city lights and Christmas decor along Roxas Blvd, but no, I bet I was snoring my way through them all! 🙂

So there went my Saturday. The sun is up now and another day has dawned. In a few hours I will feel my nerves frazzled again after a long time of having been very relaxed. I am dreading my first day on my new floor (at work). Bless me!

Stories in Hand

Back in the 3rd week of October, I excitedly signed up for a class at called Stories in Hand. It’s a brand new class that teaches Jessica’s own system of making sure there is a way to tell the stories that one would love to tell – in one way or another. Oh, and it’s a free class too.

It started on Monday, but I haven’t done a single thing – save from readig the daily email, and the instructions for each of the four days that have passed.

But I really love what I’m seeing of the class so far, and I really really want to do it. So tomorrow OR Saturday, I will make sure that I pass by the bookstore and pick up some supplies that I will be needing for the class. I should have done that weeks ago (not that saying so will change anything).

Though free, it is a copyrighted class and I don’t think it’s appropriate to share too much about it right here – specially the principles. But I would sure love to show off my binder when I’ve made it 🙂


Food Fight

Alfred and I almost broke out fighting this morning – over food. 

Nope, he wasn’t telling to stop eating. Nor was I telling him how much he’s been eating. We woke up at lunch (or rather I did, he was already awake) just in time for my brother to yell up the stairs to let me know that he and his girlfriend were going to the grocery. He didn’t mention lunch so I assumed it was each to his own for the day. So Alfred and I decided that he’d fry luncheon meat for our lunch – and cook rice too. 

Before he did all that, he asked me to ask my brother (through SMS) if they were lunching at home – I told him they probably weren’t and to just cook enough rice for the two of us. Just before sitting down to eat, I finally called my brother to ask him to pick up some dog food but they were already heading home. And he said that he was cooking pasta and we shouldn’t have cooked lunch. I said that was okay. But Alfred was listening – and then started complaining about how I should have called earlier and we wouldn’t have had to cook yadda yadda yadda. 

We exchanged words and stares and yet we still, eventually, sat down to eat together. Crisis averted.

In the end it was still the right move to have fixed our lunch – otherwise, we would have dined an hour later. If I was in a hurry to get to work, I wouldn’t have been able to eat.

I’m sure boyfriend was thinking about how it should have been me worrying about what to cook or what we’ll eat. He’s definitely said that many times before. But there’s just not a lot that I can cook. I can fry without any assistance – and that’s pretty much it. There are perhaps one or two easy green bean recipes that I can cook (including one that he actually loves), but the ingredients aren’t always available in the house. 

But surely, in his eyes, it all boils down to how lazy I am when it comes to things like this. The truth? I am lazy. Haha!

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