Ramblings and Brain farts


Currently testing Scribe Fire as an alternative to WP’s native editor. I’ve been using Window’s Live Writer but it all of a sudden kept on crashing on start up and uninstall/reinstall has not done me any good. I would prefer an offline editor but Microsoft Word 2010 isn’t a very good replacement. 

My Internest Service is very poor lately. My Between Covers blog, along with other Blogger-hosted blogs are inaccessible. I get this error most of the time:


While trying to retrieve the URL: http://www.inbetweencovers.com/

The following error was encountered:

Connection to Failed

The system returned:

              (110) Connection timed out

The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.

Your cache administrator is netadmin@skybroadband.com.ph.

Generated Sat, 04 May 2013 09:56:56 GMT by sj-proxy01.skybroadband.com.ph (Lusca).
I contacted my ISP, SkyCable, via Twitter and I was asked to reset the modem. I’d done that already and it didn’t work. 
This error is not only keeping me from posting anything new to my blog, it also makes for a bumpy blog-hop.


Back for More

Therapy, that is.

I don’t think I’d ever looked forward to the First of April as much as I did for today. April 1 couldn’t come too soon for me. It was the first day of my fourth set of treatments for lower back pain.


Last treatment was early December, so I am still thankful for over three months of relatively minimal pain. In the last two weeks though, pain started to escalate. On Thursday night, I dared say that it was nearly as bad as the first time I experienced it back in August last year. The pain killers just don’t seem to work anymore. I knew that it would just get worse until I could get some therapy.

I wish I could say that there was relief right after the first session. So far, things are the same. But I have full confidence that soon, things will be better. Currently, I am wearing sacro-lumbar support – it’s like a corset that you strap on. But I’m so big that I need another person to help pull it just to get it on. The boyfriend is just the perfect person for it – muscle man (without the muscles)! Hehe.

So… I know did not end on a high note, but it’s no reason to be fearful for what’s to come in April. Besides, how can it not be a good month, when you’ve got this little angel ushering it in?

Photo Mar 28, 5 44 43 PM

Amir and his parents were here for the long weekend. He ran all around our little home, and I just watched him from the couch because I couldn’t run after him, haha. He fills our days with so much joy whenever he’s here. They left on Easter Sunday which was the only time the entire Holy Week that the house got quiet. Smile

Blog Lovin

I was a latecomer to Google Reader, having only discovered it in 2011. Since I started using it though, it’s become integral to my online life. So I felt sad, and worried, when I read the announcement that Google Reader is powering down.

But it will be around until July 1 so I wasn’t in any hurry to find an alternative. I also haven’t been online off-work much in the past two weeks so there really hasn’t been time to look.

Today, I signed up for Blog Lovin and surfing through my favorite blogs again. Reading is easy, and the BlogLovin frame works just like having the Next button from GR on my Chrome bar. I wonder though if subscribing to new blogs would prove just as easy.

Anyhoo. My back pain is escalating again since Friday. So I won’t stay in front of the computer for long. I went to the doctor this morning, but therapy’s only open for in-patient folks for this Holy Week, so the earliest treatment for me will be Monday. Ugh. Just another reason why I miss St. Luke’s. Sad smile


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Caramel Macchiato

Recently I’ve taken to drinking two cups of coffee a day at work. One cup would be Caramel Macchiato, and the other could either be Creamy and Sweet Coffee Brew, or hot Caffe Mocha.

But my coffee expense does not exceed 30 pesos. Thanks to this company-subsidized coffee vending machine:

There are about 3 or 4 of these machines just outside the pantry. I didn’t pay much attention to it before, but I realized that as long as I drank coffee at the right time of the day, it actually helped me. So now, it’s become a coffee habit. Or is one week of doing it too soon to call something a habit? Whatever.

Don’t worry about my caffeine intake. Each cup is teeny tiny. My ceramic Starbucks mug is barely half full. If I still wanted to drink lots of water though, I’d have to bring another tumbler. Or I can alternately use my mug for coffee and water, which isn’t a bad idea naman. So we’ll see.

The key is not forgetting to bring a fresh clean reusable/spill proof mug with me everyday. I left it at home once, and I felt so bad about it. I didn’t like having to buy bottled juice anymore. It feels like having too much sugar and bad for the environment too.

So, really, the simple act of bringing a tumbler/mug to work does wonders. It’s:

  1. Economical
  2. Eco-friendly, and
  3. Healthy Smile



Wonder why I’m writing about coffee? Well, I’m a little bit bummed. Remember when I posted about the printer I bought in 2011? I’m about to give up on it. It just takes too much effort to get it to work smoothly. I was so excited about printing photos and other stuff for Project Life with it, but it just refuses to cooperate 75% of the time. The ink through the tubes tend to dry out unless you use the thing regularly. Ugh. Thoughts of flyer printing, and getting my Project Life pages done weekly are out of the window. It’s just not going to happen.

Question is, is a new printer the answer? Maybe not.

Welcome 2013

A big, resounding WELCOME to 2013!



I have yet to do a recap of my 2012; I haven’t picked which of my four planners I’ll be using this year (I hoarded a lot didn’t I? One was a gift to me, while the three were purchased). Then there’s still my One Little Word for 2013 to decide on (Start was my word for 2012). So for my first post this year, I refer to the first one of last year’s: Hello 2012!

Putting in more thought and being more deliberate in my posts was my big blogging resolution, and I think I pretty much nailed that one. As much as I could, I resisted doing any post I wasn’t going to be proud of (well maybe except one post).

With the help of the BC Bloggers Comments Exchange program, I was also able to engage more with other bloggers; outside of that circle, I also tried to be a more active blog hopper, and not just stalk the blogs on my Reader. Smile

Just before 2012 went bye-bye, WordPress.Com sent me this annual review of for the blog. It looks really nice! Check it out: http://jetpack.me/annual-report/10617014/2012/ I wonder how this year’s will look like?

We’re three days into 2013 and everyday I’ve woken up to a full house. My family is as complete as it could ever be. The parents are home, the boyfriend too, my brother, sister-in-law, and the apple of everyone’s eyes – Amir! So I don’t think it will be too much to say that 2013 is a blessed year. I feel it in my bones. Smile

Happy new year everyone, and from my family to yours, we wish you all the very best!

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