
It’s been awhile since I went anywhere with my parents so when the opportunity was there on Sunday, I took it. Mom and Dad always loved to go on weekend drives, or just go malling. There was a time in our lives, just a couple years back, when that had to take a backseat because it was an expensive ‘hobby,’ but I’m glad that they are able to find time to do it again these days.

Mom heard about this theme farm in Mendez, Cavite (near Tagaytay) and thought it would be nice to go there and bring along my nephews Esban and AJ. She was hesitant to take the latter because he’s too excitable and she might not have the energy to keep up with him. So I volunteered to go with them to help with the kids. I volunteered despite the fact that I would be coming from shift, and would surely be sleepy. 🙂

As is turns out, AJ couldn’t go, so it was just the ‘rents, Esban and myself.

He had his GameBoy with him though he didn’t play with it as much as I thought he would. The only time I wished we didn’t let him bring it along was during lunch when he refused to finish his food and then just pretended to be too involved in his game. The thing is, he was sleepy by then and I guess he was trying to hide it by just playing.

Mom brought along a tubao – a piece of cloth made by local/ethnic communities in Mindanao and used as head turbans, among others. I used to have a lot of those that I carry as my hanky. When I was younger and used to tag along in roadtrips with my parents, my mom would toss me a tubao or two and I’d just let my imagination run along and while away the time playing with those. As for my nephew, it kept him busy for 2 minutes, tops. But that’s also because he kept talking to me too. I had him singing, counting, spelling simple words, all the way to our first stop – Tagaytay.

We had lunch at Leslie’s where this picture was taken with the lovely view of Taal Volcano in the background. It was so cold up there, I tell you. It was unexpected at high noon!

ParadiZoo was just in the next town and though we missed a turn, it wasn’t too difficult to find it.

Given that it was a Sunday, the place wasn’t as full as we thought it would be. And it wasn’t scorching hot at all, the sun was actually just perfect for a stroll.

We all had a grand time, my nephew looked so happy and we could tell he was excited all throughout. My mom probably spent more than she anticipated, but it all seems worth it.

As for me? I had a blast too. And I didn’t get tired as easily as I thought. I did sleep most of the way home though. Esban and I both. Hehe.

I am looking forward to scrapping the photos we took, maybe this time I’ll do a better job at adding journalling. Good luck to me! 🙂