I am Lucky!
I was going to participate in the Lucky Me Challenge of the Raspberry Road Girls but I didn’t take note of the March 16th deadline so I missed it 🙁 Well, I guess it still is March 16th in the US and other parts of the world so I could technically join in, but I’m sleepy and will probably have no time to scrap any more. It takes me hours to do one layout. Heheh.
It got me to thinking about my blessings and what makes me lucky. Though I won’t be making the LO in time for the challenge, I will still make one. I hope these things make it into the LO:
** My parents raised me pretty well. They provided for me and made sure my brother and I had what we needed. We grew up with toys, books and family all around us. My friends used to think we were rich, but we weren’t. Mom and dad were just great at managing our finances, I guess. I could only wish I could be half as good a parent as they were. They probably aren’t perfect and I knew there were times as a kid that I didn’t understand them sometimes, but I never felt hatred or rage towards them.
** I have a brother who has my back. When he first started working, he’d buy me stuff. hahaha 🙂 We don’t spend a lot of time together now, and we never go shopping together anymore because he already has his girlfriend to help him with his shopping. But that’s okay.
** Though the pictures on my TT post may not necessarily show it, I have a boyfriend who really loves me. I mean, really. 🙂 Just now, I asked him to wait up for 10 more minutes as I finish this post, but he really really wants to go up and back to sleep. hehehe.
** My nephews and nieces love me unconditionally. So does my sweet little dog Zune.
** I have a job that challenges me, and pays well.
** I have friends to hangout with, to bug, and oftentimes reminisce with.
There are many more reasons for me to say that I am lucky. For that I am thankful. 🙂
Hihi, do you like my blinkie? 🙂 Wait, why isn’t it blinking?!!!?!?!?!
March 17, 2008 @ 4:08 am
awww you are lucky, or very blessed! I love this post!
March 18, 2008 @ 12:57 am
Hi Vera! I love positive posts like this, as well. I also wanted to thank you for stopping by and commenting on my blog. 🙂
March 18, 2008 @ 8:41 am
it is always nice to see someone who is so thankful for things that they have!