Myanmar and China need aid
I am working on the pictures from yesterday, I’ve decided to scrap them rather than simply posting the photos up here.
All night I’ve been tuned to CNN and getting updated on the crisis in Burma, and now also in China. We have had our fair share of disasters here in the Philippines, and I sure pray that we won’t be next. Summer is almost over and we do have occasional torrential rains, still I pray that no big disaster comes our way anytime soon.
There’s a page in CNN that has a collection of links to charity organizations that have the capacity to give aid in Myanmar. Please do consider visiting any of their web sites and make a donation.
From there I found a link to the diary of Save the Children’s director in Burma. In the beginning when the cyclone just hit, it didn’t sound as if there’s much to worry about. But soon enough, his posts talk of his personal experience putting together teams to assess the situation, and eventually, the relief efforts. Save the Children also has a page with children’s voices in the wake of disaster.
It is sad that in the face of disaster, where tens of thousands of people have perished and more in danger, Myanmar’s military junta refuses to let aid in.
China has just been hit by a massive earthquake and an estimated 9000 people have already died. There’s news of two chemical factories going down – that in itself could be a different disaster too. There was also a school where they estimate about 900 students are trapped; 50 bodies have been recovered from there. China is no stranger to earthquakes but we don’t know how prepared China is to respond to a disaster of this magnitude. I pray that they are quicker and more capable to bring aid where it’s needed and accept international help, unlike the Burma junta.
jen x
May 13, 2008 @ 1:43 am
It’s hard to believe there have been two disasters on this scale in just one week. It’s all very scary. Good for you for posting links so people can help 🙂
May 14, 2008 @ 1:38 am
It is a really sad back-to-back tragedies. Unbelievable.