My first ever post on my non-free blog!
Blog number five. Yes, I am the same verabear from Blogger, moon$hyn, the moon shines on me, and vera’s moon.
I am still getting to know my server, and feeling my way through WordPress. I feel like I am on a real-life adventure. I was really excited to post tonight; imagine how downtrodden I felt when, as I got off the cab from work, I realized there was a power outage. I was ecstatic though when the light posts came to life just as I approached our gate!
Having this new exciting thing in my life has had at least one positive effect: I actually did real work in the office on my first day from off. In the last couple of weeks, I’ve always felt like the first day was my petiks or slack-off day. I do work, but nothing substantial. Today, I actually did stuff that would set me off to an awesome pace for the rest of the week.
I’ll keep this short though, and work on some other stuff before I turn in for the night. Tomorrow will be another long day.
August 20, 2008 @ 6:04 am
Welcome to the not so free side of the blogosphere!
One thing I highly recommend is finding a wordpress plug-in that allows you to let commenters subscribe to comments when they leave a note. It’s one of the few things that actually gets me back to a specific post on a blog.
August 20, 2008 @ 6:34 am
Congrats on your new blog! Thanks for the heads-up, and of course for your wonderful comments on mine. I’m always so happy when I see you’ve visited!
August 20, 2008 @ 9:53 am
How very cool – congrats on the new blog! 🙂 It sure looks purdy around here!! 🙂
August 20, 2008 @ 9:54 am
Good idea transferring to WordPress. I think you’ll be very happy here. 😀
Congrats on the new website. It’s lovely.
August 23, 2008 @ 10:35 am
congratulations on your new home 🙂