Alfred – 180lbs by January 25
I’ve all but given up on my PC – it refuses to boot up, not recognizing the IDE Hard Drive properly. I don’t want to think about it for now. I’ll concentrate on convincing my brother to lend me the money to completely overhaul the darn thing.
I was looking forward to get home last night because I wanted to share an IM conversation that Alfred and I had. Here it is, in a mix of English and Filipino:
Alfred (NCO) says:
kala ko ba mag 5 step na tayo sa pagpapayat
verabear [@87934] says:
nga pala no
so ano ung step
Alfred (NCO) says:
setting goals
verabear [@87934] says:
so what are your goals?
ako to lose ten pounds in one month
Alfred (NCO) says:
pumayat health reasons
verabear [@87934] says:
motivation yan
concrete goals dapat
Alfred (NCO) says:
verabear [@87934] says:
to wear my skinny jeans by october 25
Alfred (NCO) says:
lose 30 lbs in 2 months
verabear [@87934] says:
ano pang goals?
skinny pants pala ung sakin, hindi jeans
Alfred (NCO) says:
dapat mag 180lbs
verabear [@87934] says:
be 180lbs by nvember 25 ?
Alfred (NCO) says:
di naman
baka pede next year
verabear [@87934] says:
anong month?
Alfred (NCO) says:
mga late jan or feb
verabear [@87934] says:
january 25
Alfred (NCO) says:
verabear [@87934] says:
ano ung step 2
step ba o rule?
Alfred (NCO) says:
start now
verabear [@87934] says:
number one – start now
step one – start now
step two – set goals
step 3 – find motivation?
Alfred (NCO) says:
verabear [@87934] says:
Alfred (NCO) says:
1= set goals
2 = start now
verabear [@87934] says:
lista mo na lahat
Alfred (NCO) says:
3 = no shortcut
4 = motivate
5 = be happy
So where was this coming from? Alfred bought DVDs the other day and watched one movie after another while he was home. Among those movies is Toni Gonzaga and Sam Milby’s My Big Love (local). I haven’t seen it but parts of that movie were shot in one of the houses near us. While they were shooting the film, they had to use next door and then also our garage area to setup dressing rooms for the stars. I didn’t see the stars when they were here though. Ugh.
But back to our conversation… The film is about the girl helping the obese guy lose weight. Since Alfred is on his “I’ve got to lose weight” phase, he couldn’t have chosen a better time to see that film.
What does this mean for us though? Are we going on a diet? Are we finally going to sign up for the gym? I’m not yet sure really. It’s quite hard to pin down Alfred and have him come up with a concrete plan.
At least we’ve agreed on Step 1 – we’ve set goals:
– Me – lose 10 pounds by October 25 (this is so nothing compared to how much I really need to lose but it’s a stretch to actually lose 10 pounds in 30 days. Haha)
– Him – Weigh 180lbs by January 25. That’s three months away. I’ll post our starting weights at a later time. 🙂
– Me – Be able to wear the sleek skinny pants I bought two months ago. It fit me then, it doesn’t fit me now. Arghh!
And, though he has no real concrete plan yet, we’ve officially started (remember Step 2 in the conversation?).
I’ll be grocery shopping this weekend for salad to take with me to work. I’ll figure out a way to make it less work for me to have to prepare healthier food, and still less expensive than just ordering salad from Starbucks, Country Style, Wendy’s, Sexy Chef and/or Cibo (all available at our office building).
I’ll have to fit in some exercise too – what activity I’m not sure yet. Walking has got to be there. Then there’s also taking treatments at MF, something my mom has been bugging me about.
I can only hope I achieve my goals this time around. If I stick to whatever plan I’ll be making, even if I don’t lose much weight, at least I’d have given myself the best acne treatment, eh? Not that I actually needed one. I just suddenly remembered this kid who I think needs some help on her pimples. I wonder if it’s because of what she eats? Aw, stop it.
September 29, 2008 @ 9:33 am
mahirap talaga disisyonan sis when to start hehehehe.. ako nga till now di ko maisip when ehhh.. goodluck sa diet nyo at sa akin na din 😀
September 29, 2008 @ 5:30 pm
Sabi nga, START NOW! Hehe. Goodkluck talaga sa atin, cheers to health! 🙂