Back to work?!

I already had half of the second installment of our Bohol getaway typed up and I’ve settled myself in front of Alfred’s laptop to post it. I’m not in the mood to publish it though, his mouse is so darn funky! I’m afraid it’s taking the pleasure away from blogging. Haha. Seriously, the next post is going to be about the tour of the sites and will have lots of photos. I don’t want to be just frustrated while posting it because the mouse takes forever to go where I want it to.

The trip was such a great and happy experience and I don’t want it’s memory to be tainted. LOL!

Back at work yesterday, it wasn’t so bad. Save for the hundreds of mail I had to catch up on, everything seemed to be just right. The Baguio girls are back from their long vacation and we exchanged pasalubongs for each other,  they brought me Ube from the Good Shepherd Convent, and chocolate crinkles too. Yum!

I also saw the list of winners for the recent raffle draw that Alfred had entries for. Too bad he didn’t win. There were cellphones and MP3 players given away and he had said that he wanted to win one for me. We never get anything from raffle draws! Haha.

I think he just wants to win an MP3 player for me because he doesn’t want me borrowing his iPod a lot, and he knows I won’t buy one for myself!

Anyway, I gotta get two more hours of sleep and then I’ll be back with vacation post number 2. I hope you stay tuned!