Happy weekend!
It’s the weekend again! Weekdays don’t seem quite as long for me as they used to. I guess that’s how it is when you’re really doing something you enjoy. 😉
I am just waiting for Mom and Dad to pick me up (they should be here really soon) and we’ll be on our way to the theater.
Back when I was an agent, two years ago, I had weekends off and I would always send off “Happy Weekend!” emails to everyone in my address book. Some of them would respond by mail too, while some would just acknowledge it when they see me. That’s how I used the many tags and graphic files I received from my groups.
I stopped sending out those emails when I got promoted to Trainer. One because it’s awkward to keep sending those through our corporate mailboxes. And two because I got too busy. But that shouldn’t be so right? We should never get too busy to greet friends, to say Hello! or wish them well.
October 11, 2008 @ 7:25 pm
hey sis happy weekend too.. hehehe uy trainer pede kaya ko magka accent.. lolz 😀 take care sis!
October 12, 2008 @ 12:38 pm
I love the animation on this post!