Of spam commenters and a review.

I’ve been getting spam attacks lately, and I’ve become more conscious of them since installing Akismet. I wonder, do those Spam comments inadvertently help raise the Page Rank of the site that they are spamming too? 

I recently found a link to one of my posts in a site of a different language. There was nothing else on that site but links to other sites. When I clicked on the link to mine, it took me to an archived post on my blog. There were a lot of spam comments on that post.  I checked another link from that site, and it led to another blog that also had lots of spam comments. They apparently link you back in some way.


I posted a review on a new free file hosting site on my Bravejournal. I actually enjoyed writing that review. Though it’s a sponsored post, I can proudly say I wasn’t trying to kiss ass when I typed it up. I really see myself using that service. 

Anyway, time to hit the sheets.