Wedding Dance
Based on American movies and books I’ve read, the first dance in a wedding reception seem to be a very big deal. Though weddings here are mostly just the same as anywhere else, receptions, I think, go a little differently. For the weddings that I’ve attended at least, the first dance as a wedded couple don’t always happen at the reception.
On my own wedding, I’m not even sure if we’re going to have a dance, but Alfred and I have been talking about a rocking playlist for the ceremony itself. Haha. Anyway, there’ll be plenty of time to think about my day.
A link to this video was sent through one of my email groups. I am glad I followed the link and took the five minutes to watch it. Looks like this couple will have no shortage of laughs for years to come!
October 20, 2008 @ 5:57 am
That was really cute! Heavy boy can really move! He did better than his bride…lol I think if you can do it, go for it since you won’t ever have that chance back and it makes memories for the couple and the company at the reception. Wish my kid had done something like that at her wedding.
October 20, 2008 @ 7:57 pm
that is cute! the guy moves really well 😆
anyway, you have a nice looking theme here. i actually like it the first time i got here (few days back) and thinking of using the same. i guess we have similar taste 😆 but i’ll still be looking forward for the new theme para pareho tayo 😉