In a Slump :(
I haven’t been feeling too well lately. And I don’t think it’s got anything to do with health or the physical. Yeah, I’ve still been coughing, still have the sniffles, and I had a nagging headache all night at work – but those are not what got me in a slump.
I just feel completely lost at work, you know? But it’s more me than them not letting me in on a clue. They’re being really nice and all that. I guess it’s just really bad timing. What with big things happening this week.
It’s really funny how I feel so stressed despite the fact that I am not doing much. Funny. I guess I’m just not used to not knowing much.
I feel so drained.
November 19, 2008 @ 7:47 pm
nako sis angtagal na nyan ah.. pa check ka ulit at mag relax relax muna 😉
November 20, 2008 @ 5:12 am
Hope you feel better soon. This time of year can just get to people myself included. I have never heard of chocolate toothpaste. I think I’d end up eating the tube instead of actually using it to brush my teeth which probably isn’t very good.