Out Sick :(

So Saturday’s sneezes has turned into a full-blown bout with Upper Respiratory Tract infection. My temperatures been going up and down since yesterday morning. Early this morning, I had my dad take me to the hospital for a quick checkup. They took my blood and the CBC tests came out clear – no need for antibiotics.

The doc kept on asking if I felt pain in my throat but I didn’t. Apparently he saw follicles or something there. They had me gargle on something – and now I’m supposed to do that every after meal. It should help prevent more coughing. But while I was still at the ER, I already notice the hoarseness of my voice! And now, I am coughing more than I did this morning 🙁

I have to take Sinecod once every eight hours, and Nafarin every six hours. I find that by the sixth hour, the fever starts coming back so I really must not forget to take the Nafarin.

So I missed training today and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to go back to work tomorrow. 

It sucks because I’ve stayed an extra day home but I can’t really do anything that I would love to do. I can’t sit up for too long before I start feeling woozy again.

One of the things I won’t be doing is participate in the Bloggers Unite event today. I just don’t have the energy to come up with a post. But do click on the badge on my sidebar to find out what it’s about and participate too.

And on that note, I’m heading back to bed… Ta ta!