Relatively better
I guess I’ma bit better today. At least I did not run a fever all morning – that’s always a good sign. The coughing has become worse though but I don’t always cough so I can almost ignore it for the most part.
I should probably be thankful that I didn’t have to endure the coughing, back pain, and headaches, at the same time that I suffered the runny nose, clogged nose, and fevers. But it sucks that I’m still sick. I’m a bit better and perhaps I can get back to work tomorrow – I should really.
Early this morning, we discovered the makeshift fence that keeps Zune in was open! It was a wonder that Zune didn’t go out. It’s a mystery how it got opened that way, it’s not like Zune could have pushed it that way. I peeked out last night too because Zune was playing with Sharpei right by that fence and it was in place as usual. This afternoon Esban said that he already saw it that way last night but he also doesn’t know how. Anyway, we should really just take it as a reminder to have someone make us a better fence.
Zune is really nothing like iPod, our previous dog. If it were iPod, he would have ran out straight to the street as he always did before. How many times did I or my brother have to chase him back? Sometimes he’d just go next door to my cousin’s – that can be scary because there’s lots of wood under their house and that seems to be where he wants to head. Then he’ll go to the common area at the front, run around, and then head out the main gate and onto the road. At one time he was almost hit by a car! Zune? He would probably just go sniff for Sharpei and hang out outside their door.
Is there pet insurance? You know, like having home owner insurance, or car insurance. Ah no, more like having a health card (HMO) like we do. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? It would be expensive though, I think. We humans don’t really go to regular checkups unless we’re really sick. A dog needs to visit his vet every once in a while.
Speaking of health cards. Alfred was with me at the ER yesterday and he kept on asking how I was going to pay for it since I had very little cash on me. I assured him Medicard would cover it. Then they gave me some meds to take right there – he said, surely I’d have to pay for those in cash. So when it came to paying, I told him to come with me to Billing. True enough, all I had to do was sign. He would not have believed it if he wasn’t there. I’ve told him before to take advantage of his health card, he hasn’t used it all these years. It’s one benefit that I totally appreciate and he should too.
Anyway, it’s raining. Which means the road outside will be all muddy again (there’s been muck out there since it flooded on Sunday afternoon. Hello Barangay officials? Where’s the cleanup crew?) and Zune won’t be able to go out for a walk. Poor little doggie – cooped up at home like his momma bear 🙁
November 12, 2008 @ 8:29 pm
sis mabuti naman at okey ka na.. yung mag ama ko e katatapos lang hehehe ako ata ang susunod magkasakit kasi dito byenan ko waaaaa 😀