Thursday Thirteen #18: My New Team
Thirteen Thoughts on my new Team 🙂
1 It’s a crazy world that I am currently in. Perhaps it really is all just about timing. But many things are done differently, it confused me for awhile.
2 I have had no alone time so far in the recent two weeks. I have spent most of my day going to and fro just to meet with my agents, or attending meetings left and right.
3 I can get used to it. And the work really is doable. It just seems daunting at first but when you get right down to it, you can actually finish the stuff in no time. I may change my mind about this though. After all, I haven’t really had to do ALL that has to be done yet.
4 My new kids are a fun bunch. They have already developed bad habits, but because they’re mostly non-tenured, it can still be fixed. I have the impression that they just need TLC, with a sprinkling of nagging 🙂
5 Our stats for the first week I’ve been with the team are looking good. I hope it’s just the beginning of a winning streak.
6 The management team is a fun bunch. Hardly ever 100% serious. 🙂
7 The schedules are CRAZY! But hopefully it will get better in the coming weeks.
8 I’m not sure when I will actually know each TM by name, much less befriend each one. There’s just too many!
9 My Inbox gets filled a LOT faster than it used to. The volume of mail doesn’t seem to be that much, but there are just a lot of big attachments maybe? I keep on archiving on a DAILY basis versus a weekly thing.
10 We have daily pre-shift huddles. It’s become more like an hourly huddle for me because my agents come in at different times throughout my day. It’s okay really.
11 I have the best rest days! Back to the Friday-Saturday offs of my OL days 🙂
12 It’s supposed to be a high energy environment, but some of my agents aren’t hyped. I hope to change that real soon. Go team spirit! 🙂
13 I really hope we reach the goal this quarter. It won’t just mean job security, but pride. 🙂
November 27, 2008 @ 1:41 pm
What does your team do? Not football, I take it.
November 27, 2008 @ 2:05 pm
I was going to ask the same question as Alice Audrey!
November 28, 2008 @ 10:05 pm
for both Alice and Nicholas: I work as a team manager for a customer relations management company. We handle technical support. I’ve very recently moved from one account to another. 🙂
November 29, 2008 @ 6:33 am
Best wishes for your new team! Happy TT 🙂
November 29, 2008 @ 6:35 am
It sounds like you’re about to have some real fun there. Good luck!