Project 365 – Day 5
Update on
The site is still unavailable. I received an email from support, get this: asking what link was showing the error. Uh hello? Didn’t I send a screenshot? Doesn’t it show the URL? And to think that he was the same person who emailed back when I encountered this issue before. Shouldn’t he already know what to do about it? Ugh.
Rant over.
Project 365 – Day 5
A few days before saying goodbye to 2008, I found a link from Hummie’s World to this cool blog where I found a link to a very very cute desk calendar. I followed the links and downloaded the file.
It took until the morning of the fifth for me to print out a sample. Icut out the printouts as directed, and then set them up like so. Isn’t it just the cutest? I had suggested to my mom that she can give some of these away to her officemates so I printed and cut out four sets of these! She actually requested more but I ran out of gsm 220 paper. I really like how it turned out and if I just had space for it on my office desk, I would totally plant one there.
I printed these out on my Canon Pixma printer. It’s amazing how the colored cartridge has shown the prompt for low ink for months but I am still able to get good quality color prints. The colored ink I purchased just before Christmas still sits here unopened. I am not complaining, of course. It’s amazing.
I have a day 6 photo, but am too lazy to continue posting. I’d also have to delay sharing Esban’s photos. I didn’t get much sleep this morning/afternoon because we were tuned in to the Congressional hearing on the case of the Alabang Boys. I’ve got some thoughts on that issue that I’d like to share too. I’ll try tomorrow. Tonight, I sleep. 🙂
This post reposted from my blogger blog.
January 7, 2009 @ 5:19 am
Pretty cute project and you are a good kid for doing some up for your mother. Sorry your support service sucks so badly. 🙁
March 8, 2009 @ 10:08 pm
send mo nga din sa kin. like ko din to. LOL.
meron pa ba to ngayon???
btw, i love reading your blogs ha.
March 9, 2009 @ 6:07 pm
I’m sure meron pa, check ko uli yung link for you 🙂
March 11, 2009 @ 4:21 pm
I finally found the link: