Project 365 – Day 98: Brochure
I received this in the mail today, and it inspired this post on credit cards over ay my Blogger blog.
I browsed through it of course, to see what hotels Alfred and I may be interested to check out. I’d love to just grab an overnight bag and drive somewhere with him and enjoy the comfy beds, sheets and pillows, the cold airconditioning, room service and all the good stuff even for just one night. But we don’t have a car and neither on of us has a driver’s license (pathetic, no?). Who knows though, we may just be able to squeeze in a romantic one night getaway this summer…
I’m starting to feel bad about my photoblog. It hardly ever gets updated, I still post my photos here because I want to post my Project 365 photos in order there. I also think though, that one of the underlying reasons why I hardly upload photos there, is that it doesn’t have a real photo gallery functionality, which is what I really want from a photoblog. I’ll find time to restructure the blog… but not after redesigning this one (which is uhm, three months late already).
I have Idol on the background, a guy’s singing Stand by Me. Not bad. I have not followed this season from the start so I don’t really know the contestants and have no favorites. Who are you rooting for?
Maria@Conversations with Moms
April 8, 2009 @ 11:04 pm
Don’t feel bad. I have a second blog that I almost forget about. I post only about once a month. I had such high hopes for it but still haven’t mastered having more than one blog.