Pardon the Dust
I’ve decided to switch themes and I’m still checking it out.
Please pardon the dust, and the noise.
I hope to get this done ASAP 🙂
Meanwhile, have you checked out my photo blog?
After installing and tweaking, I’ve gone back to this template. The other, though it was growing me, would not display properly when you click on Comments. I have no time to troubleshoot that at the mo’, so old template it is.
August 23, 2009 @ 4:03 pm
Hi Vera,
It is really tempting to change your blog template especially if one or two features of the template doesn’t work or if another template definitely looks better. 🙂
Have a great weekend!
August 24, 2009 @ 6:30 pm
Na ESP mo ko ahh.. eto nga busy ako ‘window-shopping’ for a new template. I feel like my sidebaris too heavy and cluttered kaya gusto ko sana yung 3 columns na nasa gitna yung textbox tapos left and right yung sidebars.
Pero baka lalo ko maguluhan haha!
.-= Pinaybackpacker´s last blog ..The Climb =-.
August 25, 2009 @ 6:06 pm
Just find a template you really like 🙂 Sobrang like ko naman what I have now, pero feeling ko wala masyadong personality. Haha.