Fire Alarm

More and more, I find that the photos I take throughout the week become prompts for my blog posts. I think that’s awesome πŸ™‚

Yesterday found me back at the hospital for the neck xray. While awaiting my turn, the boyfriend was wrapped up on the PSP, while I was so fascinated by the bright red fire alarm box at St. Luke’s X-Ray section.

fire alarm

It was a stark contrast to the recently painted white walls. Certainly, I didn’t notice this fire box when I had a nasal xray back in April. Hmm, so that means I’ve had three different types of xrays done to me in the past six months. Chest, nasal and then the neck yesterday. Interesting. I never saw the plates for the previous ones but yesterday I peeked in at the radiologist’s screen in his private enclave to get a quick glimpse of my neck. Haha πŸ™‚

So I haven’t gone back for the results. No rush since my next appointment with the neuro is on Friday. We did swing by the Pathology Department to get the blood work results.

So what’s the verdict? I’m not sure.

I think my fasting blood sugar is within normal range, but the results for the first and second hours of the OGTT are definitely above that level. What it means exactly, I am yet unsure. I will visit the physician within the week. Another obvious result is that uric acid is high, and maybe cholesterol too.

If all those is not enough to convince me to shape up or die, I don’t know what will. Still, it’s so darn difficult to convince yourself to exercise when it can really be so tiring. Haha! πŸ™‚

Time to jump on the stationary bike, or maybe even the ellipticals. Β Also time to consider bringing comfortable walking clothes to work with me so it wouldn’t be so uncomfortable walking home. And yes, time to say hello to my old friend Marie France.

*I also posted a photo of this fire box’s hammer.