2009 Halloween

If this was last year’s Halloween image, this year it’s this:

halloween closeup

Hanna (top right) bagged the prize for scariest makeup, but everyone was a winner.

AJ kept us all laughing the entire evening.

Next year’s party is going to be a lot tougher. Though the two older girls Shanti and Butchik were partying with us, they are not even in this photo because they didn’t want to dress up anymore. Jomar was out with his dad. The neighbors aren’t around because they also attended the same birthday party that Jomar went to. The kids are growing up. We don’t know if they’d still want to do this next year, or if there’s going to be enough of them interested. We’ll see.

Checkout our 2005 photos (I can’t seem to find photos of the first year we did this, or was 2005 the first?):

How did you spend Halloween?

More pictures next time. (maybe)