Web Activities
I think I have too many. That’s why I spend a minimum of four hours online when I’m home after work. Minimum.
So why, you might ask, have I not been able to post each and every single day? Because I spend too much time going through my feed on Facebook, then tend to Cafe World too. I also go through my mailboxes. Then I click on Adgitize ads and drop EC cards as well. And frankly, sometimes these just feel like too much of a chore.
And I hate that.
I hate that I’ve let all these web activities overwhelm me. I started all of this because I truly enjoyed my time online. I liked reading blogs, and sharing my thoughts on whatever topic the person may be writing about. The idea of having my own venue for telling stories was my primary motivation for setting up my own blogs (share, for example, how I saw the words dip bar and thought of dips as in mayo or honey mustard, when actually it was an exercise contraption!). There are times when I’d be so excited to come home and blog about a really wonderful experience, and I catch myself at really cool places thinking – I have got to mention this on my blog. I read books and see movies and think – I want to write about how these made me feel. I love that.
Why then, do I have days when I just stare blankly at my screen and know not what to write about? There is absolutely no shortage of topics, that I am sure of. But I think it’s the pressure I put on myself to post everyday because I don’t want to miss out on Article points; it’s the pressure of not having enough time to articulate my thoughts because I spent too much time clicking through Adgitize and Entrecard ads.
It wasn’t isn’t supposed to be that way. This isn’t a job.
In many ways and in many different situations and across many aspects of life, we are all confronted by this realization that maybe, just maybe we’ve lost sight of the important stuff.
The good thing about all this? We can step back a little, and refocus.
December 15, 2009 @ 4:28 pm
overwhelming and refocus. you couldn’t have used both words more appropriately. i, too, suffer from the same thing sometimes. it’s like i’ve got too much to do with so little time. well, i hope the fact that you’re not alone in this quandary is enough to make you feel a tad better.:-)
.-= sunshine´s last blog ..? Several Payouts ? =-.
December 15, 2009 @ 7:07 pm
… Refocus. That’s exactly what I should do this 2010 – or better yet – what I MUST do NOW.
.-= Ellen Joy Castel´s last blog ..I WON! PART 1 (Nicely’s Giveaway) =-.
December 15, 2009 @ 10:11 pm
very well said sissy! i feel you! thanks for droppin by!
December 16, 2009 @ 10:13 pm
Hi Vera. I, myself was bothered by too many web activities, too. Because of that, I resorted to this kind of practice: Time Management
yes, 100 article points can give us a lot of pressure. Have you tried scheduling your post? I did… One may notice, most of my posts are timestamped at 12:02AM. ^_^
.-= liezl´s last blog ..First Bank Withdrawal of My Online Earnings! =-.
December 17, 2009 @ 10:59 am
Hi Vera!!
Your very right those online activities are eating me too, specially those farmville, cafe world those fishville all those parenting forums i have it all. i even wake up on wee hours just to harvest those stuffs and because of it my hubby decide to cut our internet connection hu hu hu!
Now i only have access here at the office and on cafe’s. But i have a secret to confess I will buy a usb broadband har har har!!!
.-= kayth´s last blog ..Shan Shan Style is giving away Girly stuffs =-.
December 17, 2009 @ 9:36 pm
very well said, this online activities really is pissing me off sometimes. Good thing I don’t play games on my facebook account anymore. 2 months ago I realize that the games already affects my personal life. I also do not drop entrecards anymore (except when I have joined online contest and need some votes). But even though my online activities lessen I feel that I am still busy in front of the computer, why is that?