What Photo Editing Software do You use?

Before I go to what the title for this post is about, let me say thank you first to my Entrecard droppers. For January 2010, Jean Squared is back on my Top Ten, with drops for all 31 days of the month. Thank you so much! With her is CAP News and a come-back kid Wirez and Circuitz, hehe. I am off to drop ECs on your widgets, and place ads too. I wonder if I made it to anyone’s list? I probably didn’t ๐Ÿ™

Dropper # of drops
Jean sQuared 31
CAP News 31
Wirez and Circuitz 31
Cooking Japanese Style 29
Cornymans Money-Blog, everything about financial independence 26
The One Minute Guide 24
Nice2All 24
Best travel pictures in the world 24
Photography by KML 24
The Twitterer 22


So I had posted before about trying out Picasa 3. I started a discussion over at myLot about photo editing software. It really opened my eyes to alternatives to the two software I use:ย Adobe Photoshop CS3 and PaintShopPro. Although it does seem like Photoshop gets a lot of votes, GIMP and Picasa are definitely holding up too. Then someone also mentioned Microsoft Paint.Net and now I also want to give that a try!

Now, would you be so kind as to check out the discussion and participate too? You would have to sign up for myLot to post a response, but it’s easy and you can earn off your participation too. ๐Ÿ™‚ I ain’t just asking you to sign up so I can gain referrals, I really do want to find out what photo editing software you use and why you think it works best for you. ๐Ÿ™‚