March Entrecard Roundup – Thank you!
It’s April Fools’ Day! Did you get pranked? Did you pull a practical joke on anyone? I didn’t. I thought about tweeting a line knowing that it would automatically be shown on my FB status. Something like – we’re no longer together; or it would have been – hiwalay na kami (we’ve split up). I just wanted to see if friends and family would react. Then I would have said, April Fools! and that it’s only because the boyfriend is in Bicol, spending the holidays with his family. But I couldn’t do it. corny din eh. 🙂
I haven’t been able to solve the mystery of the missing sidebars. Thank you Calvin for the suggestion, but it was the same even without the Adgi code. I will try other options this weekend…
It’s been sooo hot that even as I was very sleepy when I got home from work about five hours ago, I only managed a short nap and then became wide awake. The heat during Holy Week is killer! Our usually sufficient stand fan isn’t enough, reminds me of our old house that had a ceiling fan right at the center of the room that does an awesome job circulating cool air. With the heat we’re experiencing now though, even a ceiling fan may no longer be enough, you need a stand fan to compliment it!
Hay. I don’t have much time as I’m really supposed to be in bed by now, but I wanted to take time out to thank my Top EC droppers for the month! Time to drop ECs and place ads again 🙂
Thank you for my consistent droppers, I hope to see more of you in my comments boxes too 🙂
April 3, 2010 @ 4:34 pm
oh goody! 😀 i’m on your list again! yipee!!! 🙂
.-= sunshine´s last blog ..? A Banner Stand to Promote our Business ? =-.
April 3, 2010 @ 6:23 pm
Yes, and thank you so much for being on it 🙂 How’s the contest going? I keep telling myself that i was going to enter but I always neglect to do it!