Weekend Home :)
Amir is here right now, captivating everyone with his cuteness 🙂 He’s been a good boy, not too fuzzy, even with clogged nose due to colds. If Diane hadn’t confirmed that the little guy gained a few more pounds, I’d have though it impossible that he could be any bigger! There’s more of him to love! 🙂
Dad and I picked up their small family at their home in San Benissa, Fairview at lunch time today. The couple went to the office for the afternoon but they’re on their way back already. They’ll head home for the night and tow Dad’s Corolla with them – it’s Diane’s now, they just bought it from Dad! Anyway, Amir will be back tomorrow morning while his parents run an errand.
I’ve snapped quite a few (okay, a LOT) photos of the baby, but I can’t find the cable just now so no sharing just yet. He’s been smiling a lot, and there’s been a lot of mini-laughs all afternoon. He’s been adorable!
Everyone’s just so happy to have him around – he’s had quite a few visitors today. If you’ve been around him, you’d know why.
So Amir is home. I guess this is his original home then? Haha. He has two homes – this one where grandma, grandpa and auntie live, and their own space at San Benissa.
Okay. I can’t resist it anymore. I have to share at least one photo. Here’s one from last month, as previously uploaded at The Newbie Photographer blog.
While driving to Fairview, we passed by a billboard for one of the newest developments in the area. I imagine it’s something like San Benissa, but they have a pool for the residents! I wonder if they’re in the same price point too? So I tried searching for photos of the development online but I got results for other interesting properties instead. Something that particularly caught my attention (and Esban’s too, because he was here while I was browsing) are these new homes in Utah. I liked the look and feel of those houses so I stared at the photos for awhile. I don’t think I could afford a house that big! To be near schools and shops, and then to be made out of renewable resources too – these look to be amazing homes!
I asked E which of the new home designs he liked best and if you do checkout the site, he picked the one on the left. Good choice. I prefer that design too, but maybe with the fire engine red paint job. 🙂
March 13, 2011 @ 11:24 am
[New Post] Weekend Home 🙂 – via #twitoaster http://verabear.net/2011/03/weekend-home…