Bread for Katniss
I finished another book today. Wow. Once you start reading, you just can’t stop. I love it!
Which means I have something to write about for Between the Covers, but I’m not in the mood. So my latest post will still have to be The Hunger Games. Oh how I wish I could go see the movie right now. And then I’ll go grab books 2 and 3 and read them too.
For the meantime, here’s a recipe I Pinned, to be tried (hopefully) some time. Katniss’ District 11 Bread, from Our Best Bites:
Source: via Vera on Pinterest
Mmmm. I really should start baking again. Or start learning how to cook real food.
April 5, 2012 @ 12:29 pm
The bread makes my mouth watery. Looking forward for the next recipe.