My Project Life Corner

Last week, I made a honey-do list for my Husband, and also for one myself. Both were lists of declutter and cleaning projects for the two of us. Each having designated areas around the house. 

The very next day, a Wednesday, the Husband dove right into it – not really minding the lists but just tackling pile after pile of stuff around our living area. 


I came home and got handed stuff to sort and a big bag to dump garbage in. And the dust clouds got stirred and lost items got found. 

 The biggest and happiest thing I got out of the exercise was this – my very own Project Life corner:  

I bought my very first PL core kit thru Amazon in 2011 but never really completed an album. A big factor was not having a dedicated area to just access everything, but also mostly because I was being too hard on myself.

There was so much inspiration out there but I didn’t use it to my advantage. Instead, I kept obsessing about having to make stuff look prettier that I ended up not making anything. I had the front and back covers done for 2011 and then redone for 2012. And then just 1 and 3/4 of a spread in total.

Among the found stuff was a bunch of Instax prints from 3-4 years ago. I quickly made a spread using the cards I had on hand and plain Washi tape. 


 I felt happy having completed the spread in 15 minutes. Later on I went back to write a quote on friendship on that journaling card. 
Prior to having this corner, I’ve had a PL revival already courtesy of the App. But that story’s for another day. What about you, how do you document your everyday life?