About verabear


Posts by verabear:

I am Lucky!

I was going to participate in the Lucky Me Challenge of the Raspberry Road Girls but I didn’t take note of the March 16th deadline so I missed it πŸ™ Well, I guess it still is March 16th in the US and other parts of the world so I could technically join in, but I’m sleepy and will probably have no time to scrap any more. It takes me hours to do one layout. Heheh.

It got me to thinking about my blessings and what makes me lucky. Though I won’t be making the LO in time for the challenge, I will still make one. I hope these things make it into the LO:

** My parents raised me pretty well. They provided for me and made sure my brother and I had what we needed. We grew up with toys, books and family all around us. My friends used to think we were rich, but we weren’t. Mom and dad were just great at managing our finances, I guess. I could only wish I could be half as good a parent as they were. They probably aren’t perfect and I knew there were times as a kid that I didn’t understand them sometimes, but I never felt hatred or rage towards them.

** I have a brother who has my back. When he first started working, he’d buy me stuff. hahaha πŸ™‚ We don’t spend a lot of time together now, and we never go shopping together anymore because he already has his girlfriend to help him with his shopping. But that’s okay.

** Though the pictures on my TT post may not necessarily show it, I have a boyfriend who really loves me. I mean, really. πŸ™‚ Just now, I asked him to wait up for 10 more minutes as I finish this post, but he really really wants to go up and back to sleep. hehehe.

** My nephews and nieces love me unconditionally. So does my sweet little dog Zune.

** I have a job that challenges me, and pays well.

** I have friends to hangout with, to bug, and oftentimes reminisce with.

There are many more reasons for me to say that I am lucky. For that I am thankful. πŸ™‚

Hihi, do you like my blinkie? πŸ™‚ Wait, why isn’t it blinking?!!!?!?!?!

Thursday Thirteen – #8

Wow, it’s been more than a year since my last T13 (my previous t13s are over here). I’ve been wondering when I’d be able to post leisurely on a Thursday so I could participate in this popular meme again. Glad am still up at 245AM this Thursday πŸ™‚

For this week, let me showcase 13 pictures of my boyfriend, Alfred. This afternoon, my colleague Richard asked me why I always referred to Alfred as ‘boyfriend’ when I talk about him. Well, I’m not used to calling him Alfred anymore and that’s how he’s called at work. So if
I’m speaking with people who call him Fred or Alfred, I refer to him as boyfriend. If I’m speaking with others who refer to him as Dodong, as I do, I call him that. Simple πŸ™‚

I’m doing this because I appreciate what he did for me today (oh, yesterday). Actually, he does a lot of things for me and I truly appreciate all of it. I love you sweetie! πŸ™‚

–> Okay, so this is more a picture of me with my college girlfriends, but look at Dong right there on the far right looking at us? He finds us amusing. heheh. We’ve been together almost as long as I’ve been friends with these girls. I still remember how nervous he was the first time I took him to meet them. πŸ™‚

–> Now this second picture is one I took with my camera phone while having lunch at Petruss, probably around Valentine season last year. That’s him pretending to be impatient.

–> This is his solo shot in the picturesque Fedilisan Rice Terraces, taken in our Sagada trip last year. We were resting because I was sooo tired with the trek back up to Bangaan so we took pictures of each other. He was so patient with me that time, which he normally isn’t when I slow him down. He says he was so proud of me because I conquered it all during that trip. πŸ™‚

–> These next two were both taken in restaurants. On the left is the ‘before’ pic of our boodle feast at Seafood Island. On the right is his Gramm’s Diner pic while waiting for our orders.

<-- This next one is him lounging at our company employee lounge during the Family Day last year. We brought several of my nieces and nephews and we had just finished eating and were watching an animated movie. The kids were either sprawled in bean bags or slouching on the other furniture too.

–> Now, he will kill me for posting these next two! The first one was the first/last time he had a facial. He was totally complaining about the pricking! The second one was a surprise shot at Seafood Island.

<-- He’ll definitely remember this, he was so happy when he finally got his iPod! Almost a year ago now πŸ™‚ It takes a lot of convincing to get him to lend it to me.

The next three photos were significant – our first dog iPod’s birthday ‘party.’

And now for his all-time favorite picture that I took while waiting at the recruitment area of our office:

I love you sweetie! πŸ™‚


The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. What do you do? Write Thirteen things about yourself, summarize your week in one entry, make it easy for other bloggers to get to know you on a weekly basis. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is not only encouraged, it is part of being a Thursday Thirteener!

Have your 13? Add your link to Mister Linky and leave me a comment so I can go check it out. πŸ™‚

Edit: I think there was something wrong with my choice of Linky because it isn’t posting the links? I’ll change it if I can see what will work…

Play Domino!

Chikai of DigitalScrapz (Captured Memories) tagged me awhile back with this. Sorry girl for taking so long to return the tag πŸ™‚

How it works: Copy the entire list and add your name at the bottom. And tag at least 5 friends.

Thea is {bloggerhappy.com} Childstar Mike My Scrappy Side Abie Aggie Alpha ~ because life is fun Alpha’s blog Apple Apols Jacqui Jane Jody Joy Kelly Mich Peachy cherryrose02 BlogsilogCherry Chikai Rose Vera

Now, I’m tagging Tracy, Mec, MissKriss (I’m not sure you do tags but I hope you don’t mind), Heidi and anyone else who might be interested (sorry, one link less). πŸ™‚

Bacolod Chicken Parilla

Note: I just changed the IM control tonight because Tracy tried it out earlier and mentioned that the screen was too small to read actual conversations. When you click on the current button (as long as it shows my username, it means I’m online), a conversation window will pop-up and we can continue to chat even after you navigate away from my blog, as long as you don’t close the pop-up.

After work on Monday night, boyfriend and I decided to have dinner at this new place along Scout Reyes called Bacolod Chicken Parilla (or something similar). It opened just a few months ago. I pass by it every night to work and I’ve found it intriguing that there’s always a lot of people there, even at 11pm. It was time we checked it out ourselves.

As you approach the restaurant, there’s a sense of familiarity – everyone seems to know each other. It feels like a hangout, really. Plus you’re greeted by the guy that I perceived was the owner, though I’m not sure about that.

The grill is outside but even you take a table there you won’t necessarily smell like barbecue. Since the location of Parilla is somewhat like an exclusive village with public roads, there are trees around and you won’t smell car fumes, so it’s really okay to stay outside. Alfred and I chose to dine indoors though.

Aside from the usual chicken inasal, which was great by the way, we ordered Salmon Head Sinigang, a soup dish. Heaven! We loved it! One order is just enough for two, though honestly I could have eaten it all since I didn’t have rice. πŸ™‚ It was so good I couldn’t wait to tell my dad and the rest of the family (who know how to appreciate good food) right away. I’ve posted before about how much Alfred and I love to eat and we’d really go back to spots we’ve had good experiences in, or new places that had raving reviews by friends. Parilla folks will definitely see us again, and again, and again. πŸ™‚

It doesn’t hurt that it’s just a few minutes walk home too. So after the filling dinner that didn’t cost us a fortune, we were able to walk off some of it on our way home!

Let’s chat on Windows Live Messenger right here

I’ve added a Windows Live Messenger IM Control onto my blog the other day. This is to allow anyone reading my blog who I don’t personally know or have on my buddy/contact list in Messenger, to know my online presence and initiate a real-time conversation.

I’ve been using Messenger – in one form or another – for a long time. Pre-NCO days (my current employer), I’d use Yahoo Messenger. But in the past 3 years, Windows Live Messenger is an official communications tool at work. I personally love the custom emoticons!

Back to the point… Over to the right, in pastel orange (?) is what’s called an IM control. It willl show you when I’m online on Windows Live Messenger, and if you’re browsing through and have something you want me to know right away, you can go ahead and send me a message and I’ll respond. The real me will respond, not just some bot. πŸ™‚

I was really excited when I read about this feature (which has been around for months before I found out!) and tried it out right away, first through my verabear.com, and then here on the blog when I got home from work.

Anyhoo, when you click on the link to Begin a conversation, you’ll be prompted to use a Windows Live ID (msn or hotmail email address) that you are currently signed in with, or you can sign in using a different ID, or you may send an anonymous message. If you choose the latter, you can just enter a nickname and we’re all set to chat!

I’m kinda sad though because I haven’t actually received any chats through the control, makes me wonder if people come by to visit at all? Nah, as I said before, I post for myself mostly, but getting feedback from people who breeze through always feel like virtual hugs.

Now, if you want to have IM control on your blogs or Web sites too, it’s very easy. First, you must have your own Windows Live ID – any MSN, Hotmail or Live.com email address is already a Live ID. You can sign up for one over at http://login.live.com

Next, you’ll need to go to this link to allow others who may not be on your contact list to see your online presence through the Web sites you post the control in. If you don’t put a check on the option that says Allow websites to see your Messenger status and send you messages the control won’t work.

After saving that setting, click on the Create HTML link over to the right bar on the same page or click on this link so you can configure the color and type of IM control you’ll use, plus get the code to put on your blog.

You may choose from a chat conversation window like mine (which you could resize on your blog to accommodate more chat history if you want). There’s also just a small button and the WLM buddy icon that will announce your online presence. The beauty of those smaller icons is that if a person clicks on it, the conversation window will pop up on it’s own window. The person contacting you may continue chatting with you even when they navigate to a different page. I’d probably switch to that control some time.

These instructions, and more about Windows Live Messenger, could also be found over at http://messengersays.spaces.live.com/

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