30 Days of Thankful 2018

22.6k km

I love driving. Looking at the odometer, you wouldn’t think my car is turning 3 years old in a few weeks.

If money weren’t an issue, I’d take long drives every weekend. Though going straight through EDSA tends to make me sleepy (unless I can go really fast), I actually do long for highways and the open road. To me, it represents freedom and possibilities.

But I also love byways because you always have to pay attention lest you get lost. Driving up, down, and around mountains are also something I like – the twists and turns, and looking forward to what’s waiting on the other side.

When driving with the hubby by my side, we like to sing, and snack. We have some really funny conversations in the car, sometimes we discuss serious matters too.

When alone, I find that driving gives me the opportunity to process my thoughts. Even with music blasting loudly from the speakers, it’s like finding a quiet space to just be with myself. Recently, I’ve also been tuning in to podcasts so that sitting through traffic doesn’t feel too much like a waste of time.

Yesterday, I drove hubby to the market. While I sat in the car waiting for him to come back, I realised what I was thankful for on Day 2 of 30 Days of Thankful 2018: 21 months of being accident-free.

Thank you, all my angels, for protecting me and all who ride with me. Thank you for not allowing me to cause harm to other motorists and pedestrians. Thank you for not letting me wreck my car, as well as any private or public property.

For keeping me safe, thank you.

And thank you, Self, for knowing better than to continue driving even when sleepy. Thank you for taking steps to address your health issues affecting sleep and wakefulness (still a work in progress!).

What are you thankful for today?

19th Street Halloween Shindig 2018

We didn’t prepare much for last night’s Halloween Party at 19th Street, yet I still think it went quite well.

The youngest (human) resident of #99 was the star of the show – in these photos she she was trying on the masks that the two competing teams made on-the-spot for her:

Stitches & Words | 19th Street Halloween Shindig 2018

Though she may not look like she’s having fun, I really think she was!

A major difference this year – we had no candy! Yup, no sweet treats for everyone though we still had sugar rush thanks to the drinks and donuts.

Today, I am kicking off 30 Days of Thankful 2018 with a big thank you to everyone for indulging me in keeping up with this wonderful tradition that I truly hope we continue for many many many years to come: our annual Halloween party.

Last night was all about coming together and having loads of fun. We didn’t have to proclaim a best in costume winner because it wasn’t about dressing up or putting on scary make-up. There was no prize for the winning team apart from the recognition for a job well done, because it wasn’t about bringing home a prize.

It’s an opportunity to spend time with family and laugh so hard. It’s a chance to play games and be silly. And yes, it also gives us a reason to dress the kids up and take photos that we can blackmail them with for when they grow up. Like this one, my favorite Halloween photo so far, from 10 years ago:

Stitches & Words | 19th Street Halloween Shindig 2018

And I already have an idea for next year’s party, one that I’m writing down now so we don’t forget: Favorites. And scavenger hunt.

How did you spend Halloween?

**30 Days of Thankful is an annual album project started by Cathy Zielske. I made an album for last year, and I decided to try to write a daily post for this year. I may also still decide to do a physical album because, why not?

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