Ramblings and Brain farts

What to Do?

You will never run out of things to do when you get your brain juices into function. This is exactly true when talking about arts and other artsy creations. Almost everything, yes, everything can be made into unmatched art creations as long as you keep your imaginations at work.

If you are the type of person who wants to try new things once in a while, glass art is a good choice for hobby. So what is it about glass art that makes it interesting? This is typical of modern works and an artist makes only one kind of every creation unlike art glass and studio glass which are smaller and made in many identical pieces. Most of the time, glass arts, since they can be really big, are best exhibited in public spaces. Or if you have a space at home where you can place it and no one will find it distracting and inconvenient, you can do place it there.

You may find it long but as soon as you learn how to work with glass, you can come up with glass sculptures that you can exhibit or sell at a really high price. This is because it is only a one-off glass artwork, thus it can be priced high. You can visit a Hand Blown Glass Art Gallery in Scottsdale for some ideas on what you can do or come up with. Meeting up with glass artists is also a great way to mingle with people who have the same inclination as you. And it is also the best way to gather tips and tricks in making your glass art more artistic and unmatched than ever. If you find time today, head over to a Scottsdale Art Gallery and enjoy the exhibits.

News Worthy

This week the news was full of stories about the ongoing Congressional inquiry on the plea bargain that the Ombudsman was considering (or had already approved, depending on who you’re listening to) for suspected plunderer General Garcia, and the subsequent testimony of Col. Rabusa exposing the extent of corruption in the military. Within days of the expose that was aired on national TV (and heard over the radio), former AFP Chief of Staff General Angelo Reyes took his own life. Reyes allegedly received no less than 50 million pesos as a going-away gift when he retired from the service. Two other former chiefs of staff were implicated in the anomalies. The amount itself isn’t the question, but the means as to how such amounts were accumulated and allocated by a government military institution. The same institution that claims to not have enough funds to fully equip its soldiers who are in the front lines in the war against terrorism.

But the news that saddened me more in the past week was the death of someone far less popular than the fallen general. In his life, he was an inspiration for his parents and to many strangers who have learned of his story.  I think his untimely passing deserved a lot more airtime and media mileage than what was so freely given to someone else. Jon Angelo, the baby whose childhood was snatched away by an illness that kept him tethered to a breathing machine, has passed away.

I have mentioned Jon Angelo, and the Breathe Hope bracelets that his parents lovingly make and sell to raise funds to support his medical costs, several times in this blog, on my FB wall and even in personal conversations. When he passed on, I was completely surprised. His funeral was help very near my home yet I could not bring myself to pay him a visit. I did not see him while he was alive, and I didn’t see him as he was laid to rest. Yet in my heart, I held him there. I will forever cherish my Breathe Hope bracelets, Jon.

Going back to the investigation into corruption practices in the military, that’s what news organizations should focus on – not Reyes or his family in particular. It’s about time they cleanup the military and other government offices, not just of those practicing and promoting the culture of graft and corruption, but take away the processes that make us prone to it. Like putting a cap on the retirement benefits that officials get and ensuring that ALL soldiers get them. Why they didn’t shop online for retirement gifts red envelope is a good place to start. Haha 🙂

Moving to a New Host That Doesn’t Support Google Apps

With Dreamhost, it was so easy to opt for a Google Apps hosted email Inbox over the self-hosted one. All I had to do was select that option and set it all up. I don’t remember having any problems with it when I moved from Philhosting to Dreamhost. But moving Badodong.Com from Dreamhost to Fatcow left the boyfriend without access to his Inbox for over a week.

I kept going back to my DreamHost panel checking the settings for the domain name – it seemed to still be pointing to Google and it was selected as the email provider. What was wrong then? Eventually, I realized that having changed nameservers to that of Fatcow’s most likely messed things up. I was right! It was NOT cool that there was no one click option within FC’s Control Panel to host your mail with GA, but chat support said there was a way so I kept at it.

The chat support people at Fatcow gave me direction for changing custom DNS records and I was able to setup the right MX records for my chosen Inbox. Yet mail.badodong.com was resolving to Fatcow’s default webmail service. My next mistake was adding Google’s MX record as the destination address for the subdomain. I asked FatCow chat support again if I had done things correctly and they kept saying yes! But nothing was working.

I wasn’t getting anything more from Google Apps support, and Fatcow support wasn’t much help either. I compared my settings from my old host and realized that the Fatcow panel didn’t give me an option to add or modify the CNAME. So, what I did instead was point the subdomain “mail” to ghs.google.com. And what do you know? That did it!

With that mystery solved, I should be able to move the rest of my blogs to their new home. The only question is, when would I have the time to do it?

Mail Trouble and EC Thankies!

I haven’t started moving my blog to its new host at FatCow and I feel like I’m running out of time on my Dreamhost hosting. Since I decided to move to FatCow, I planned on transferring Badodong.com before I do that to my main blogs. That’s what I did, and although it’s not all done yet, Badodong.Com has it’s new gallery up as of this writing. I encountered a major hitch though: we can’t access any of the emails for that domain. No, the email inboxes are not hosted by Dreamhost, I had them setup with Google Apps. I wasn’t worried about losing mail because that wasn’t going to change so imagine my surprise when mail to his address started bouncing, and worse when he could not access them at all!

I’ve been emailing with Google Apps support but I have a feeling that they don’t understand what the problem is, despite the details I’ve provided. I am just hoping this gets sorted out soon so I can move this blog without worrying about my mailbox getting lost in the process. Oh well.

Rest days are supposed to be fun days but so far I’ve spent mine sleeping. I had a nasty headache and I had pain on my back while I was at work yesterday and all afternoon yesterday. So when I got home, all I could do was try to get some sleep. I wasn’t successful right away and I still got to have some bonding time with my baby nephew. The only time I was really awake was this morning already, just before the clock hit 9AM. So I lost soooooooo  much time. I couldn’t even really say I caught up on quality sleep because sleeping with a headache and some pain isn’t really comfortable. 🙁

Anyhoo, since it’s already the start of the love month, let me post my customary THANK YOU post for my top ten Entrecard droppers:

Also yesterday, we were supposed to go to Ace Water Spa and use the vouchers I recently bought. Because I wasn’t feeling well, we decided to postpone it. On the one hand I was thinking going would be good and might help me find relief, on the other, I felt like I wouldn’t be able to enjoy the experience being in pain and all. So we missed an opportunity for some water fun. Ace Water Spa is unlike other spas that are so quiet. You won’t expect hot tubs with spa cover there, on the contrary all you would expect are hydrotherapy massages from their pool, plus hot water mineral baths that smell so good!

Hmm we really must go sooon!!!!

Safety at Construction Sites

By now, the accident at the Eton building construction site in Makati is old news. But to the families who lost their loved ones as a result of that accident, the news will never go stale.

I hope that this serves as an eyeopener for all who are in the construction business. Wherever you go in this country, you see buildings and houses being built with hardly enough safety precautions in place. To many, it seems that the reminder posted at the entrance of sites saying “No Hard Hat, No Entry” is enough. But it isn’t!

First off, I don’t think construction workers in this country wear protective clothing while they work. I understand the almost thread-bare shirts because the heat could stifle them if they wear anything thicker, but slippers while they work? What about gloves and proper carrying cases for their tools?

There’s usually netting and mesh all around the construction site, and the ABS-CBN News article about the Makati incident mentions an Eton representative saying that there was mesh around the building and that’s where the unfortunate victims fell on. But the mesh and netting isn’t for catching people is it? Those are not meant for the safety of construction workers. Those are meant to catch falling debris. So yes, it’s a safety net. But it’s not for the workers’ safety, but the safety of passersby and adjacent structures.

If there are laws or regulations about construction work then they need to be reviewed, and implementing guidelines need to be formulated and rolled out. The safety of the workers should be ensured. I don’t think they are paid nearly as much as they should be, so the least that can be done is to lessen the risk they take every time they go to work.

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