Ramblings and Brain farts

Books for Christmas

Since losing a whole lot of books when Typhoon Ondoy wreaked havoc in our home, I’d been really sad and disappointed about their fate. I haven’t even read many of those books, while others were books I wanted to keep. One of the children’s books I lost was a treasure – I Can Tell Time. It’s no classic, but it was the very first book I received as a birthday present from my parents. The inscription inside, in my mother’s handwriting is something I cherish. The exact words are lost to me, but I will remember the message forever: now I was being introduced to books, and they will teach me many things and take me to different lands.

Of all the books we’ve had to throw out the morning after, it was that one that pained me most.

I told myself I would stop compulsive book-buying – something I do almost every other week when I passby the second-hand bookshop at The Loop. I won’t buy books faster than I can read them anymore. Here I am though, three months later, and I’ve already accumulated a (tall) pile or two.

Yesterday, I picked up four more bargain books. I would have taken six but I didn’t want to spend all of my money. I had the two reserved, waiting to be picked up next week. I listed them on my wishlist for the Kris Kringle we’re having with one of our teams… I hope whoever picked my name hasn’t chosen a gift for me yet. I hope he/she just gets me those… 🙂

Last year, I got a book (Confessor/Goodkind) and chocolates for Christmas. At the non-agent Christmas GA this year, I also got the book I wished for (Certain Girls/Weiner). We’re having a year-ender party on Sunday and I am expecting another book (or two) and chocolates. We’ll exchange gifts with my Tier2 team next Friday, that’s where I hope to receive the two books I put up on my wishlist.

I’ve found it easier to list books as my Christmas wish. So long as there’s a fixed budget, I can find a book to match. It’s easier than me asking for perfume, or a piece of clothing. Those things I’d rather shop for myself. Gadgets would be cool to list too, but none of my groups would raise the budget higher than 500 pesos! 🙂

Next comes another dilemma – where to put all these books? My mom has been taking our books to her office and her guests are free to take them. They don’t have to take them back. My dad doesn’t really care about collecting the books (not even the Cusslers or Ludlums, though my mom leaves those untouched), once he’s read them, they can stay on a bookshelf forever and he wouldn’t pick them up again. He has been known to purchase a book we already own though, haha. I’m not that way. I’d rather keep all of them for myself. I think of rereading them again someday. Or of accumulating enough books for a vast library where my future kids will grow up and revel in. But we don’t have space for a library.

There are some books though that wouldn’t be too difficult to let go of. I wouldn’t mind not owning them forever. But those are very very few (at least from the ones I bought myself).

So I’m thinking, after reading a particular book, maybe I’ll blog about it somewhere and sell it. Or lend it for a fee. Or something. Or maybe I’ll leave it lying around somewhere and anticipate until someone finds a way to get it back to me.

No More Buzz

It sure has been quiet around here since the end of the giveaway. I miss the chatter and the mailbox traffic I got with Ellen Joy and Joanne coming over everyday to leave multiple comments! 🙂

Having done the giveaway has made me realize how much I’ve been missing out by not regularly visiting other bloggers. I mean, you know, when you read about a blogger’s everyday thoughts, it’s like getting to know them. But when you just go over, drop your EC, or Adgitize, but don’t bother to read enough and leave a comment, you may be a daily visitor but you don’t get to know the person any more than his/her badge.

At the same time, if you visit everyday and hang on to a particular blogger’s every word (like I do for my favorite blogs), but then you don’t leave your feedback. No comments come from you. You deprive yourself of that chance to get them yet on another level. And you deprive yourself the chance to be noticed by them. Though of course, getting their attention isn’t anywhere near my goal for stalking their blogs.

At work, it’s been quiet for me too. And that’s good.

And you know what? My eye muscles have stopped twitching.* Yay!

*Which means I am now relatively stress-free, and I no longer have to worry about finding affordable health insurance to add on to what I already have. I am on my way to health and wellness! LOL 🙂

Congratulations Sunshine!

I’d have posted sooner, but my dad needed to use my PC…

I am finally, very pleased to announce who number 335 is…

She wrote about the giveaway beautifully on her blog, using the word ‘cuddly’ as an allusion to bear in verabear. And saying that the ‘heart’ of the post was the mention of the giveaway. I can tell she would write sponsored posts beautifully, and no one would notice that they were sponsored 🙂

Sunshine, I will get in touch with you via email (if I can find it) or through your blog. But if you find this post first, please email your name and address to vera(at)verabear.net so I can work on getting your prize to you by first week of 2010.

Thank you to all who participated. It was a fun ride don’t you think? Specially when people start of running out of things to say in the comments box. hehe 🙂 To see the full list of entries, I shared the file for you all at Google docs, here’s the link: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Aujge3K_cRH4dEdHYmc5ekM3OGZLS0ZwcW85REM2NFE&hl=en

Here are the top entries though:

Joanne Gonzales http://jongskie721.wordpress.com/2009/12/11/gotheartplannergiveaway/ (43 entries)

Ellen Joy http://ejcayaba.blogspot.com/2009/12/grab-got-heart-planner.html (31 entries)

Vivian http://vvaguilar.multiply.com/journal/item/16/Got_a_Heart_for_Got_Heart_Planner (20 entries)

Kayth http://kasai-mysimplelife.blogspot.com/2009/12/got-heart-2010-planner-giveaways-from.html (14 entries)

levy http://livinglifetodfullest.blogspot.com/2009/12/got-heart-2010-planner-giveaway.html (14 entries)

mary http://narvasamarga.blogspot.com/2009/12/got-heart-planner-2010.html (13 entries)

sunshine http://theroaditravelon.blogspot.com/2009/12/cuddly-giveaway.html – 2009/12/15 at 4:22pm (13 entries) – WINNER

ann http://funhuntress.blogspot.com/2009/12/verabears-got-heart-planner-giveaway.html (12 entries)

liezl http://liezl-read-write.blogspot.com/2009/12/got-heart-planner-giveaway.html (12 entries)

kikamz http://www.kikamzpera.com/2009/12/got-heart-2010-planner.html (9 entries)

mizhelle http://upnowandwhatsnext.blogspot.com/2009/12/got-heart-planner-giveaway-from.html (9 entries)

I’m thinking of a special consolation prize (that wouldn’t cost me a cent, hehe) for the top three entrants too. I just haven’t decided what to give them 🙂

See you on my next giveaway and I hope you come back often!

And the Winner is…

I know who the lucky winner is, but I can’t tell you yet 🙂

I will tell you though about the process of choosing the winner.

I typed each qualifying entry on an excel file, and their row number is what determined their raffle entry number. I then went to Random.Org, plugged 1 as the minimum and 337 as the maximum. Yes, that’s how many entries we got! For the most part, entry was by the date the comments and posts came in. The latest ones were entered first. Upon double checking, I found out that I had missed giving five entries for someone who posted about the giveaway on her blog! So I added those five last. And what do you know, that’s where the winning entry came from!

I will keep you suspended for a few more hours 🙂

I’ve got to admit, the winner isn’t who I expected it would be (based on the number of entries), but I am happy with the results overall. 🙂

Once again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for the overwhelming response to the giveaway and I hope to see all of you visiting us here frequently.

My tenth anniversary with the boyfriend is coming up in January, and I think that deserves a blog celebration too. Don’t you agree? 😉

Merry Christmas 2009

Merry Christmas blogosphere!

It’s been a good season and I was very happy to spend Christmas Eve with the family. And I played Santa too (we didn’t have Santa hats though, so I had to make do with the antlers). So those money envelopes you see me brandishing in the picture, those aren’t from me. I merely distributed ’em to the kids. This was after I distributed what must have been a hundred packages to the whole Somebang clan. LOL 🙂

My giveaway is drawing to a close. As long as it’s Christmas Day in your neck of the woods, you can still go ahead and join in the fun. Don’t be intimidated by the number of comments the others have placed (I am so thrilled that you ladies come back again and again to leave comments!), you’re single entry might still be the lucky one 🙂 Contest will close at 11:59PM Manila time, today. Again, goodluck and thank you so much for joining 🙂

To those traveling home to be with their families during the Holiday break, or those already coming back from their vacation, do remember to sign up for cheap travel insurance – it would be worth it (we used to get one everytime we had an out of town trip for work, never had to use it, but it was a safety net). 🙂

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