Ramblings and Brain farts

Recovering lost posts

I’ve decided to give up on Philhosting. I will keep the cheap hosting package indefinitely. I probably won’t be setting up verabear.net yet on my new Dreamhost account, I’ll need time to think things through properly.

What’s getting to me is that I still haven’t recovered all the posts I’ve written from December 7th to around the 28th. I got some from Google’s cache, but not everything’s showing there anymore. There are blurbs at Technorati, but that only shows the partial posts. Checking my feeds came to me only a few hours ago, and by then it was too late! The feeds have also updated to what’s currently available on the server. The lost posts are gone from Feedburner too. Sadly, I don’t think that I actually have subscribers whom I can ask to check if they received my posts in their mails. šŸ™ I really should have thought about backing up through the feeds as soon as the problem started.

I guess I’ve learned an important lesson in everything that’s happened here. A lesson that I thought I already learned when I lost my first blog a long time ago, that is to have a backup for my posts. I wonder if Windows Live Writer has that functionality, you know, for each post you publish through it?

Anyway, if anyone has any idea what I else I can do to recover the posts I lost, please let me know. I would be very greatful.

I’ve actually got ideas for several posts, and I’ve also got photos to put up for Project 365. But this issue with Philhosting has got me so out of the loop that I can’t even just move along right away, you know? Argh.
This post reposted fromĀ my blogger blog.

Thank you for nothing, Philhosting

No real fix in sight.Ā 

I do not think Philhosting will ever shape up. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one having problems. I read from one blogger that her database was reverted to a December 6 backup, more or less the same time as mine was reverted to.

And support has not emailed me back.

This has truly caused me undue stress.Ā 

This post reposted fromĀ my blogger blog.

Where art thou 2.7?

I have been stumped in the last hour or so. Philhostingā€™s support contacted me early this morning giving me a fix. But it didnā€™t really fix my problem.

My blog is rendering but I am back to WP 2.6, and all the changes Iā€™ve made since the time I upgraded, are gone. Whereā€™d they go?

Until this is sorted out, I will continue, sadly, to blog over at http://verabear.blogspot.com

I hope posting this does not aggravate the situationā€¦

The case of the Alabang Boys (who really aren’t boys anymore)

I’ve been telling my brother to switch channels – listening in to the Congressional Hearing is really frustrating me. It’s like watching a telenovela, so much drama!

I don’t mean to have my non-Filipino readers at a loss as to what this Alabang Boys case is all about, but I don’t want to narrate the entire story here. You can checkout some of the links from this search result:Ā http://results.myhpf.co.uk/framedresults.asp?Keyword=alabang+boys+case
Department of Justice officials, specifically the fiscals/state prosecutors, are taking heat for releasing a Resolution just before Christmas, which was in effect dismissing the case. As it appears in the hearing, the tone and language of the resolution was as if it was taking as fact, and siding with, the position of their respondents. In fact, the resolution looks like a case agains the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency. Err?
There a number of irregularities with this case, and I am in no mind to list them all. But had I been sitting in that hearing, here are someĀ questions I would have asked:
  • Since Atty. Verano (representing the respondents) claims that he had no prior discussion with Usec. Blancaflor regarding the case, why did he have the Order sent through his office? He had his office messenger bring the document to Blancaflor’s office, why not just messenger it straight to the office of the Department Secretary?
  • Claiming that he did not want anything to do with the document, why did Blancaflor allow his secretary to take the document to the office of the Secretary of Justice? Would it not be construed that he is endorsing the document? Shouldn’t he have just outrightly refused to do anything in behalf of his fraternity brother?
  • Why did the office of the chief state prosecutor release the resolution to the public, without clearing it with the DOJ secretary, given that they have a memo circular mandating a review of all cases of this nature that are for dismissal?
  • In Fiscal Rasado’s case, why didn’t he inhibit himself from reviewing the case, when he already knew that the defense lawyer was his law school professor? He is in charge of looking into the merits of the case and recommend it for filing, or for dismissal. At that stage in the case, he was like a judge who must assume impartiality. Although if I was in his place, I wouldn’t personally be affected if my college professors were part of a case where I need to make an important discernment, I would think it would still be the better thing to do, in the interest of fairness to both parties, to request that the case be assigned to a different fiscal. KWIM?
  • Shouldn’t be the DOJ be working in partnership with the PDEA? Shouldn’t they be actually helping PDEA build solid, air-tight cases about drug pushers/traffickers? They should be represented in the PDEA team! It appears that they have no measures for coordination here. PDEA does its job, and then DOJ may or may not let the case reach the courts? How does that help the campaign against drugs?

This post reposted fromĀ my blogger blog.

Goodbye 2008

Yesterday, before I even posted my Project 365 photos, I sat down and prepared to write an ode to 2008, a thank you post really, just like the one I did for 2007. I don’t know why, but nothing came out. I’m sure it isn’t because there’s nothing to be thankful for the past year. Really, there are so many things I can’t even begin to count them…

I had the grandest time in Bohol in September. This was only the second time that Alfred and I had been away on our own. It was a super fun and a real vacation. We almost wished it not to end.Ā 
At work, I was thankful for the chance to move back to my email support family in March and it was the smoothest transition ever. I had the most relaxing eight months of my work life! Truth be told, being there was bliss. I thought it would never end. But it did.
Moving to the console family in November, I had mixed emotions. Mostly, it’s been marked by unwarranted stress. Partly because I wasn’t sure what I was getting into, and also because I had no proficiency of the support to boast of. I knew it would be an uphill climb – it still is. Ā It is challenging but I am hanging on. Thank you for the challenge.
My family is well and healthy, no one has had any serious illness. One of my cousins had an operation to remove cysts from her ovary, but all’s been cleared. I am especially thankful that my grandpa is still going strong. My nieces and nephews common kids sickness throughout the year, but they’ve all mostly been well too. Everyone’s still in school, and that will always be considered a blessing.Ā 
This year, my dad has decided to finally put our rusty treadmill to regular use. In fact, they had even bought a stationary bike and a Nautilus machine to round off their daily fitness regimen. Cheers to health and fitness for the entire family!
I had purchased a domain and a hosting package and things were going smoothly until this recent glitch. Still, I am thankful for the venue to express myself, and earn a little more money on the side. I also want to thank everyone I’ve met through my blogs. And the many personalities I’ve met through their blogs.
There are so many more things to be thankful for the past year, and I can only look forward to what 2009 is sure to bring. To everyone who comes through here, I wish you a prosperous new year!
This post reposted fromĀ my blogger blog.

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