Ramblings and Brain farts

Happy SATS Fiesta!

I grew up in a Seminary – the St. Andrew’s Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church in the Philippines. Every year at November 30th, we celebrate the feast of St. Andrew.

It was always a happy time for kids, teens, and the adults too. There was always something for everyone.

The significance of the event did not diminish or change when the Lord chose to take my aunt’s life on Fiesta day four years ago. In fact, I think it gave it more meaning. The SATS Fiesta was always a reason to come home for many of us who grew up and/or lived in the compound at one time or another. Being my aunt’s heaven date, I think this has assured that she will always be in her friend’s hearts and thoughts on Fiesta day.

This year, Fiesta is being celebrated a day early. And I hope to be out there with the rest of the community as they celebrate.

You see, I have not always been around during fiesta in the past ten years. The last one I remember being really visible at, was before Auntie and Lola died. It was probably in 2002 or 2003. That was a time when my baking business was hyperactive, and my Mom, Aunt and I were beading. We put up a stall at the court grounds and had our products on display the whole day, even until the evening program. Our cookies and brownies were a big hit. We sold some pieces of beaded jewelry too.

Today, I am taking Alfred and Frankie out there with me. And we’ll hopefully have a blast!

Thursday Thirteen #18: My New Team

Thirteen Thoughts on my new Team 🙂

1 It’s a crazy world that I am currently in. Perhaps it really is all just about timing. But many things are done differently, it confused me for awhile.

2 I have had no alone time so far in the recent two weeks. I have spent most of my day going to and fro just to meet with my agents, or attending meetings left and right.

3 I can get used to it. And the work really is doable. It just seems daunting at first but when you get right down to it, you can actually finish the stuff in no time. I may change my mind about this though. After all, I haven’t really had to do ALL that has to be done yet.

4 My new kids are a fun bunch. They have already developed bad habits, but because they’re mostly non-tenured, it can still be fixed. I have the impression that they just need TLC, with a sprinkling of nagging 🙂

5 Our stats for the first week I’ve been with the team are looking good. I hope it’s just the beginning of a winning streak.

6 The management team is a fun bunch. Hardly ever 100% serious. 🙂

7 The schedules are CRAZY! But hopefully it will get better in the coming weeks.

8 I’m not sure when I will actually know each TM by name, much less befriend each one. There’s just too many!

9 My Inbox gets filled a LOT faster than it used to. The volume of mail doesn’t seem to be that much, but there are just a lot of big attachments maybe? I keep on archiving on a DAILY basis versus a weekly thing.

10 We have daily pre-shift huddles. It’s become more like an hourly huddle for me because my agents come in at different times throughout my day. It’s okay really.

11 I have the best rest days! Back to the Friday-Saturday offs of my OL days 🙂

12 It’s supposed to be a high energy environment, but some of my agents aren’t hyped. I hope to change that real soon. Go team spirit! 🙂

13 I really hope we reach the goal this quarter. It won’t just mean job security, but pride. 🙂

Perfume Sale at ELJ

Since I rendered some overtime at work today, I decided to visit the bazaar space in our office building to find out what is featured there this week. Several weeks ago, they housed the Havaianas mega sale, then an Adidas sale. Last week there was an Appliance showcase there. This week it’s all about luxury fragrance. When I went inside the big room, it smelled really nice. Better than the perfume stations at the mall. Haha 🙂

There were Mariah Carey perfume and lotion sets, ones from J.Lo too. CK and Estee Lauder were there too. I saw many of the known perfume brands. There were makeups too.

It was still quite early but there were already a lot of folks in going through the merchandise and making purchases. The prizes are comparable to those in the Duty Free shops.

I’ve just recently bought two Body and Bath bottles and my mom got a David Beckham Women and Esprit scents. I still have some left on my Esprit and Body Shop bottles, so I really wasn’t interested in getting another even with the sale and all. I didn’t stay too long in there.

Somehow I couldn’t bring myself to inquire.

At the smaller stalls in the hallway, I saw the kimono style dresses and blouses. I really like how they look. I wonder if any of them would fit me? I’m also not too sure if it will fit, you know? In the sense that it will look good?

Was it the modem?

As a direct result of yesterday’s call to tech support, PLDT myDSL sent us Mike. He called early this morning and spoke to my dad, who probably wasn’t very forthcoming because he wouldn’t really know how to troubleshoot. 

I got home and found the PC up and running – minus the Internet. I tinkered around with it and was able to go online eventually. Mike called back around 10. I told him I was connected, but that I wasn’t 30 minutes before the call. He said that the Makati office probably just reactivated the line. I told him how it happens everyday, and that I hoped it wouldn’t happen again.

He asked me what kind of modem we had, and then immediately offered to come over and just change it altogether. They were just after lunch, plugged in the new modem, tested if we could connect, and then left. Apparently, there was a known issue with the old modem we had. Bummer.

So we ran a speed test and it showed a download speed of 222 kbps. Good enough.

But then it started to go slow again in the next 20 minutes.

So I’m not really sure if I want to be happy about this new modem or not.

Alfred has already left to take Frankie to Mang Romy’s. I called Kodak this morning and found out my test shots were unsuccessful. I must have put the film in incorrectly – they said that the film was unused. Aargh!

Zune was given a bath and groomed before Alfred took off. He always looks so cute with his newly brushed hair I couldn’t resist taking photos. I wish it was Frankie capturing the images (click on the image to see the other shots on my Multiply page):




Boo you PLDT DSL!

We are PLDT DSL subscribers. I don’t know exactly how fast our connection should be. I just know that since switching to their service, I have not gone a whole week of blissful Internet surfing.

I used to subscribe with Zpdee Cable Internet. I rarely had problems with that service. There was a time that they replaced my modem when I started having problems with the connection.

With PLDT? No matter how many times we call to complain, they say the same things over and over. They will have us run tests. Power cycle the modem. Directly connect the modem to the PC, rather than through the router. Check the IP. How many lights on the modem?

Then they will say that the issue will be escalated, and a callback will be made. By the time we get a callback, sometimes a week later, the problem, of course, would have corrected itself.

In the past, the problem would consistently crop up every Saturday around lunch time. Lately, it’s everyday at around lunch time. EVERY eff-ing DAY.

I’ve come to the point where I refuse to call them. Because they don’t really do anything. Alfred was insistent though, so he called today. Only to be asked to run the same things that we already do anyway. 

And to be told the same old thing: we will escalate, and have you called back.

Alfred has insisted they send someone to check our phone lines, the phone box, and the modem itself. No one has done that in the time we have been with PLDT. I don’t know if they will ever come. 

I’d love to say I don’t care, but I do. Because I cannot live without connectivity.

Meanwhile, I have about two thousand unread emails in one email account alone. I just haven’t had the patience to wade through them in the slowness that is my highspeed Internet.

Bleh. PLDT DSL sucks!

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