The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
It stars the sexiest man alive, who wouldn’t be curious about Mr. Button?
But seriously, even if it was any other man than Brad Pitt, it would still have been a great movie – the story was so compelling, and the romance – a great love story. As the film started rolling, I had no preconceived notions of what it was about, or how it would turn out. You see, I hadn’t been looking at any of the publicity materials on Benjamin.
There’s a wikipedia article about the origin of the film, and I was surprised to find out that the movie adaptation is a lot different from the F. Scott Fitzgerald original. Still, I think the movie gave Mr. Fitzgerald’s literary honor in its adaptation. I would love to read how it was originally intended.
Back to the movie…
In more ways than just how he was born, Benjamin Button was actually a lucky bastard. He had the chance to bless Queenie with a baby that she has been praying for. He grew up in an unusual home, where his appearance as an aged little boy paid no matter to the old people living with him. He was able to live life and be whatever he could be. He sailed the seas, met many women, fell in love, knew how it felt to be a father. He had known friends. He was able to make an ultimate sacrifice just to make life a little more easy for his beloved wife and daughter.
He was a child born in a frail, old body. But his spirit was that of a child. At home, he was treated like a baby, but outside, on the rare occasions that he had at first spent outside, he was treated like an old man. In a way, we treat both kids and old people in quite the same way don’t we? That’s probably why things weren’t all that confusing for Benjamin Button once he started to venture out of his comfort zone.
Benjamin and Daisy’s lovestory is one for the record books. It’s like a love that took years to cultivate. They knew they loved each other, but also that they needed to move on for the sake of a greater love – that for their daughter. I couldn’t imagine how bitter-sweet the last years were for Daisy. I could only hope that I will have someone like that to care for me when my condition deteriorates. What’s more, I can only pray for strength like hers to stand by and bare witness when it is my beloved who goes through dementia.
I’m not sure if the story version really included the curious clock from the train station, but it’s a wonderful way to set the tone for the movie. For me, it even symbolizes all the hopes and dreams of families left behind by the young men and women who lose their lives in countless meaningless wars throughout history. I guess on a different plane of existence, everyone who exits this one starts their new lives with a backwards clock too.
I didn’t know Cate Blanchett was so sexy. Haha. I knew she was an awesome actress, but she was a revelation to me here.
If you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend the Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
We are meant to lose the people we love, how else are we to know how important they are to us…
January 24, 2009 @ 3:53 am
Oh!! I can’t WAIT to see this!!