Valentine’s Flowers
My bestfriend and I were supposed to meet up at this bridal fair at the Megamall this afternoon, but she had to cancel because she had to report to work. 🙁 I could still have gone to see her when she got back, but that would mean starting at around dinner time. Not a problem for me but I don’t want her to stay late with me and then have to leave for work again very early Monday morning. I mean that’s what happened the last time we went out and I’m sure being sleep-deprived wouldn’t be a good idea when she needs to face all the craziness at her work the next day.
So Sunday was spent at home. I guess that’s not a bad thing, at least I’m far from where I could do more damage to my bank account. 🙂
Valentine’s Day. Did you do anything special? Look here:
Pretty flowers no? None of them are mine though. Hehe. The yellow/pink ones are for Diane, my brother’s girl. The white roses are from my dad, for my mom. The boyfriend isn’t much of a Valentine. He did, however, go see me at my desk on Valentine’s evening. I didn’t have to look for him or ask him to come see me this time. He went down to my floor to visit all on his own.
This morning I was telling him, he could have given me anything that had flowers on it. That would at least have been funny. 🙂
I was so happy with the photos I took of the flowers yesterday because I finally figured out how the auto-focus functions work. See how there’s a blurred background? I never used to be able to do that with the Kodak.
February 16, 2009 @ 3:12 am
Hubby usually isn’t into the mushy stuff particularly on a designated day. He is good about seeing something that he knows I’d like and getting it for me when there isn’t a reason to. This year he did get me a box of chocolates and a card and he NEVER gets me cards. This turned out to be a good Valentines day after all.
February 16, 2009 @ 7:50 pm
my cousin and i were supposed to go to that Bridal fair in Megamall too! kaso lang she had to go to Davao kaya na-cancel.
nice flowers, btw. you’re getting good in taking pictures ha 🙂
February 16, 2009 @ 10:40 pm
hehehe ako rin i didn’t give my wife flowers 😛 hindi rin special valentine’s namin but it’s alright. love niya pa rin naman daw ako.
February 17, 2009 @ 5:22 am
Hehe. I rant about it kunwari, but I don’t really mind not getting anything from him. It would’ve been nice to be surprised with something (anything, really) though. 🙂
February 17, 2009 @ 5:30 am
thank you so much, that’s a compliment 🙂 Doing Project 365 is really encouraging for me.