Drive by post.

This is my Christmas photo, taken by Dalnes using my Renoir. The reindeer headband was something I used because there were no Santa hats in the house and I was playing Santa for Christmas Eve, distributing everyone’s gifts. 🙂

This is going to be a short and not-so-interesting post but if you’re reading it, please do ponder about backing up your data right now. I’ve begun doing that, and then I encountered some issues with my computer. Which tells me that it was probably good timing that I’m backing up. My dear computer might need an overhaul this weekend, and I sure hope it won’t cost me any money to fix anything. Except for a new mouse. Yep, my mouse is dead. I think it lasted a year though, so that’s probably just as well.

I have backed up and successfully, and made redundant copies too. At least, in the event that my server crashes, I won’t lose too much. I’m sure there won’t be issues like that though, unlike what happened last year… (too lazy to find a link, maybe I’ll add one later.).

So I hope this finds you well, not in need of any fancy medical equipment. I wish you good luck in all your 2010 endeavors. And I bid you adieu, until my next post 🙂