Photography, in Focus

This year, I hope to finally dig deeper into Photography. I’ve so far setup a new blog that will be devoted to just learning more about Photography: The {Newbie} Photography. There’s nothing there just yet, save the photos that came with the template I used. In time I hope…

  • to house my Project 365 photos up there. Yes, I’m doing it again this year. And I hope that this time, I make it through to 365. I joined up at the Shutter Sisters 365 Flickr pool, go check it out and join us too.
  • to have well thought out and carefully written posts that will explain the basics of digital photography to newbies. I had to sign up for a workshop, and eventually a six-week online class (Candice Stringham’s class at the Spraground is highly recommended), just to get a firm grasp of the basics. Others do not have the luxury of time, nor the money to pay for basics classes. I hope they find the blog. To be selfish about it, if I succeeded in writing something that will actually be helpful, that means I truly have learned the concepts.
  • collaborate with other photographers, newbies, intermediate, and experts alike. Maybe I can find talented people who will hopefully write useful articles to further our learning of photography. Or maybe I can interview them and put together informative pieces.
  • to have other newbie photographers collaborate with me. Maybe they can have their “column” or something.

It’s very much a work in progress. Nothing’s set in stone yet. Please pray that this blooms into something really beautiful 🙂

I’ve also signed up with Shutter Sisters, and I’ve been going around the site trying to take in the beautiful images. So far, I’ve been inspired by PictureHope.

There’s another membership site that I’m contemplating joining – Clickin’ Moms. There’s a membership fee though, and I don’t quite have the funds for it at this time. Maybe if I earn off traffic and ads on the new blog, I’ll allocate that to a Clickin’ Moms fund or something.

I have owned Maxine since May last year and yet I have not had given the craft the devotion I should have in order to show real improvement in the quality of my photos. Sometimes I think that the photos I used to take for P365 using the Kodak point and shoot than the regular pictures I take using Maxine. Why did I even buy a DSLR if that was going to be the case after all?

So there you go ladies and gentlemen, Photography is on my to-do-list for 2010. Along with the quest for the diet pill that works, although I think USANA’s Reset program may really be the answer to my weight issues. Do not worry, I will tell you all about it once I get on the program. Hmm, does anyone smell the beginnings of a spin-off blog on weight loss? Haha.