New Chrome Theme
We use IE as our default browser at work. In fact, people are not supposed to install/use any other browsers on their workstation. Whenever it crashes, or it’s slow, you would always hear people start talking about what browser they use at home.
As for me, I use Google Chrome. It is way faster and has less hitches than IE. I also prefer it over Mozilla Firefox which I used for awhile a couple of years ago. I find that Chrome is also the choice for a lot of people, specifically those who play/use Facebook apps. 🙂
I changed my Chrome theme today, to this:
It’s a theme designed by Carlos Celdran, an artist who does walking tours of Manila. I’d always wanted to sign up for one of his tours. Looks like it will be raining until the end of this month, so maybe we can check out the schedules for November or December and sign up then. He was on the news recently, for staging a quiet but loud protest during a mass at the Manila Cathedral. It was, I believe, a solo indignation rally against the Catholic Church’s meddling with the affairs of the State: that of the President declaring support for the proposed Reproductive Health Bill.
Anyhoo. Just sharing. 🙂
October 22, 2010 @ 2:34 pm
[New Post] New Chrome Theme – via #twitoaster…