October Comments and Top EC

So October is over and I’ve only logged 103 comments. That’s 30 comments lower compared to end of September stats. Hmm. This time, I blame it on the truffles ๐Ÿ™‚ But that’s okay. There’s always next month, and the new ticker is up too ๐Ÿ™‚

I wonder how many comments my October Top Commenter on Where the Moon Shines did? Well, it’s a total of 14 comments on this blog, and how many comments on other people’s blogs I wonder? Well wonder no more, and wander all you can, for October’s Top Commenter is none other than, Joanne/Zoan!

Thanks Z! ๐Ÿ™‚

And now, time to thank my Top Droppers for Entrecard too. It’s interesting how this month list compares to September’s. I’ve got mostly new badges to show this time around! Wow, thanks for dropping your cards and commenting too:)

I’ve purchased ad space from your blogs via EC already. Thank you again!

So we’re off to start a new month. Looking forward to anything new this month? Well I am. I’m starting at a new company on Monday, and it’s bound to be an adventure!