Custom Note Pads
A lady friend who runs a small clothing store had this problem about what to give to her clients and customers, as well as her employees, during Christmas. Even though her business was running on a tight budget, she wanted to show to everyone her appreciation for their having stuck with her through thick and thin during the economic crises.
While researching on the Internet, she stumbled upon a site offering custom promotional items. She was immediately drawn to the personalized note pads that the site has on sale. These note pads are available in single color pads or in pads of 4 colors, with sizes ranging from 2×3 to 6×8 inches. Intrigued, she decided to make inquiries with the site. To her delight, she discovered that the note pads can be made to her specifications. For note pads as giveaways to customers and clients, she had the name of her company, the address and phone numbers printed at the top of each page. For her employees, she had their names printed on the note pads, along with the company details. While her clients and customers were very happy with the handy gift, her employees were even more thrilled to see their names on the note pads that she gave them. One worker even approached her and said that the note pad made him feel that he was indeed part of the company.
At present, my lady friend always recommends to her business associates that they give custom promotional items to their clients, customers and employees. While they help to spread the word about your business, they also give your loyal staff that sense of belonging to your company.
February 9, 2011 @ 4:27 pm
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