I Am Thankful
I may not have the best job in the world (and I say this only because it’s WORK, and not because I don’t really like it), and I certainly don’t have everything I want. But this one’s for sure: I have much to be thankful for.
I have always said that I had a wonderful childhood. I grew up with a loving family around me – a big one at that. There may only be mom, dad, and my big brother in this small unit, but there was never a lack of aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins as I was growing up. I also had lots of opportunities to be a kid and to discover who I was going to be. For that, I will always be grateful to my parents. And I will always thank God for choosing them for me 🙂
I will have to admit, I don’t always look forward to going to work. Everyday I wake up and know I have to go, so I do. But when I get there already and I start working – I do it without grudging. After all, no one is forcing me to be there. And truth be told, I love what I do. I love that the work challenges me until I sometimes become frustrated. The stress that comes with the job? I welcome it too. Yes, I would still choose to stay home and bake and blog all day if it can pay for all my bills, but that doesn’t mean I hate what I do now. I don’t. Whenever I pray, I say thanks for the job that I have, and the opportunity to work with a lot of people on a daily basis.
I am not at my healthiest – I think I was there maybe six or so months ago – but cheers to health and well-being!  Tons of self-discipline and one big lifestyle change is what I need. Thank you in advance for the healthy mind and body that I know I will someday achieve. Someday soon I hope. 🙂
Thank you for another year to do all that we didn’t do in years before. Isn’t it great that we are given the chance to live our lives a day at a time, and a new year offers so many possibilities. This year, we hope to do more, and be more. And let me say that I am thankful to have the boyfriend to continue with this journey. 🙂
There’s so much more I should be thankful for and it will bore you to pieces to read all about it. So let me just sum up by saying THANK YOU for being in my life. You may be a passing stranger who happened to read my blog or a very dear personal friend who just likes stalking my blogs, all the same, your visits are appreciated and your comments are most welcome ;).
And now here’s a mommy blogger who knows how to throw a thanksgiving party: Pinoy Mommy Online!
Join up and get the chance to win these:
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$100.00 Cash!
Wordpress/Blogger Make-Over
COM Domain + Hosting for One Year
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$50.00 Cash!
COM Domain + Hosting for One Year
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$30.00 Cash!
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Special Prize Winner: Most Number of Referred Giveaway Participants
$20.00 Cash
COM Domain + Hosting for One Year
The mechanics are posted here. There is still time to join, and if I just convinced you to do so, don’t forget to mention vera(at)verabear.net as the one who referred you 🙂
A big shout out to all her sponsors:
Pinay Mommy Online
Proud Mommy of Three
My Tots Exactly!
My Tummy Calls
Azumi – Kawaii Princess’ Story
Worth’s World
Make Money Online
E! FashionTalk.com
One Proud Momma
Marikenya’s Travel and Resource Blog
The Miscellaneous Me
Family and Home Living
Meet and Greet
Joys in Life
All About Her
Viva Pinay
Stylish Voyager
Written by Mys
Cinco Online
Fat Girl No More
i am woman hear me rawr
Lifestyle & Homemaking
Kero’s Celebration
The Peregrinator
I Love Hate Blogging
Web Design Philippines
Make Money Blog
Lovingly Mama
Princess Wannabe
Contest Buff
Earn Dollars Pinoy!
Pensive Thoughts
Happy Home Working
jared’s little corner of the world…
Nutrition and Health Care
The Domain Angel
Eat, Drink, Blog
Our Kids Plus Us
February 9, 2011 @ 6:08 am
[New Post] I Am Thankful – via #twitoaster http://verabear.net/2011/02/i-am-thankfu…