Goodbye Feb!
We bid goodbye to month number 2 in 2011. Wow, we’re into the third month of this not-so-new year.
As has been customary, I’d like to thank my top Entrecard droppers for February:
On the work front, February went by so quickly and unfortunately my team didn’t get results similar to the previous month. I can say that in terms of doing well and making progress, we did a lot better in January. But no worries, I can see my team getting used to doing things the right way, and that’s what matters. We just need to sustain it, and be even more focused in all our efforts.
I am definitely looking forward to a busier March – and busy is good. Specially if it means seeing better results week over week. 🙂
Did you post a February roundup page, do link me up. I am too lazy to make one myself but I’ve always liked reading up monthly reviews from bloggy friends.
Do checkout Between the Covers, I’ve posted quite a couple of things up there this past week. 🙂