From my Reader: Paris Daily Photo



The blog Paris Daily Photo is a fairly recent addition to my Reader, and I’m pretty sure it will be there to stay. Eric Tenin posts a photo of Paris daily, and he’s been doing it since 2005.

I’ve had the wonderful privilege of visiting Paris 12 years ago. I know I took a camera with me, but I don’t know where the photos ended up in. It was a nice short visit, around May. We were there for a meeting actually, but we couldn’t NOT go see the tourist spots!

Unfortunately, I don’t remember much but some scenes from that time still flash in my head sometimes. We stayed in a nice little hotel – Hotel Rhetia I think it was called, and it might have been in Chemin Vert. That’s where I read Message in A Bottle by Nicholas Sparks. I found the book among the shelves at the dining area of the hotel. Loved it.

There’s a park very near the hotel too, and a book shop a short walk away. I spent some time alone on our last day there because I wasn’t feeling well, and I killed time by browsing at the book shop.

Of course we visited the Louvre, and the Eiffel Tower. I had free pass or discounted pass most of the time because I was only 17 then!

I would love to go back and visit Paris and see more of France. Someday. Somehow. For now, I visit through blogger Eric Tenin’s daily photos. Smile


Did you know that laptop is ordinateurs portables in French? 


From My Reader | I am hoping to feature the blogs on my Reader and share them with you one at a time. I spend so much time enjoying the posts from these fabulous bloggers and would love you to get to know them too.