Hello 2012!




Just a quick post – and this is hopefully going to be the first and last such post for 2012. I will explain Smile

We’re just 5 days into 2012 but I already feel like we’ve been here for so long. Seriously. And I feel so out of touch not having blogged since sending off 2011. But I have forced myself into a semi-hiatus because I have made one big blogger resolution:

I will put more thought and be more deliberate in my posts.

There were plenty of times when I feel like blogging in a rush, specially when I have paid opportunities about to expire. That completely takes out the joy in blogging. And I know it turns off readers. A wide readership isn’t something I can brag about these days, and with the closing of Adgitize, I’m in danger of losing even more readers. But gaining blog followers shouldn’t just rely on an ad network that encourages click-through, it should also be about engaging them through your content. That has been a challenge, specially when I don’t have time to leave comments on others’ blogs or forums, which is how a blogger used to network with like-minded individuals before the advent of Entrecard and Adgitize.

So hopefully, this ONE resolution as a blogger helps me get back to blogging basics, and start engaging my online community more. Maybe I’ll even revive my own monthly Comments Challenge, I didn’t do that at all in 2011. Smile

Anyhoo, I hope that explains the lack of daily updates. I’m just gearing up for a better and brighter blogging experience Smile

Did you make any blogging resolutions?