My First Magic Bullet Smoothie

Oh yes. After a very long wait, I finally got the Magic Bullet last week. We didn’t wait for the delivery anymore (because they couldn’t commit to a date) so we drove all the way to Makati to pick it up. Boy, was I disappointed at the sight of the Groupon office! But that’s not what this post is about, so, moving on…

I made my very first smoothie with the Magic Bullet this afternoon!

I rinsed all the parts of the bullet last night and considered having juice for dinner. But I wanted something really cold and we had no ice. So I took the advice of several users and popped fruits in the freezer overnight.

My Mango Banana Smoothie has 1 large banana, and half a ripe mango. I then added skim milk, maybe about 2/3 cup or so. I am using one of the party cups by the way. I popped on the cross blade, and then on to pulse pulse and mix mix mix. My cold smoothie was done in less than a minute. It was quite thick too. Yum!

Looking forward to making more flavors, and more healthy ones too!