Back in March 2012, the campaign KONY 2012 was launched. Shortly after, the Creative Director of Invincible Children, the NGO behind the campaign, came under attack. This video somehow attempts to explain what happens. But more than that, this video shows how the issue of Child Soldiers and the the need to capture Joseph Kony, is bigger than just one person. To me it says that the message that #KONY2012 brought to the world, is stronger than the spokesperson.
When news about Jason Russell’s breakdown came about, I paid no attention to it. Because I knew that what the Invisible Children was fighting for was something that ought to be fought for, regardless of who was doing the fighting.
Take 30 mins to watch this next video, or just listen to it if you must continue browsing other sites. Listen.
I won’t be in DC in November, so I’m sharing this video on Facebook, Twitter, and everywhere else I can. I also donated almost 20% of my current Paypal funds to Invisible Children (it’s not very big, but if more people gave a little, there’d be enough funds to help rehabilitate children and families).
Please. Do what is in your power to do to help put an end to Joseph Kony’s monstrosity. Every child deserves a childhood, one where they can be innocent, have time for play, school. Every kid must be kept safe. They need space to explore and run around in safely. Basketball courts, play grounds, sand boxes, that’s what they must have. Outdoor fountains with pools. Not battle grounds. Not military camps.
Think of the young you, what were your dreams and aspirations? For many like Jacob, they didn’t even know they could dream. Or they fear to dream. This must end.
I wish that the anti-CSEC and Trafficking campaign would harness the power of the social media like #KONY2012 did.
October 10, 2012 @ 10:51 pm
I’ve heard about this Kony earlier this year. I hope that they are doing something about it. Visiting from CommEx 10/9.
Jhari´s last [post] ..Wonderful Couple
October 10, 2012 @ 11:38 pm
i sure hope they continue to find kony, i thought this move died out, its good to know theyre still active..
Gerilen´s last [post] ..V&M Naturals + Venus and Mars Smooch Lip Butter Balm Review
October 11, 2012 @ 4:31 pm
i thought it stop na. is kony 2012 really true? i read some of the articles against it. but not sure though..
aby´s last [post] ..Blog Giveaway: Swirls and Scribbles x Paperdoll
October 12, 2012 @ 4:34 am
Oh! This fight is still far from over? 🙁 I remember the first video. that really moved me.
Henry’s Mom´s last [post] ..My New Favorite Courier: BayadPo.com
October 12, 2012 @ 12:38 pm
I’ve read some articles about this. Hmmm, i would like to help the Invisible Children, too.
anne lei´s last [post] ..Uratex Trick or Treat Sale (October 01-31, 2012)
October 12, 2012 @ 3:55 pm
I want to know more about this KONY. I been out of the realm of NGO for so long and I rarely get to know news about children.
Daddy Yashiro´s last [post] ..Monday Rush: Planning
October 12, 2012 @ 4:43 pm
Me too I want to know about KONY.
January´s last [post] ..Korean Drama: To the Beautiful You
October 13, 2012 @ 12:44 pm
Watch the video, and also visit their website. 🙂 here’s a link to their FAQ page: http://action.kony2012.com/about/
October 13, 2012 @ 12:51 pm
Josephy Kony is the leader of the Lord Resistance Army in Africa, they were pushed out of Uganda and now operate in the DR Congo, South Sudan, etc. They kidnap children to be soldiers, also girl children for sexual abuse. The Invisible Children is behind KONY 2012. Hope you can watch the video.
October 13, 2012 @ 1:01 pm
Spreading the word would be a very good start!
October 13, 2012 @ 1:01 pm
Nope not yet. Far from over.
October 13, 2012 @ 1:03 pm
Yup, watch the video. There were really bashers and non-believers, but i believe the organization is legit, and the LRA is a real threat and menace.
October 14, 2012 @ 2:53 pm
It is my first time to read about kony, and the invisible children (speechless)
October 14, 2012 @ 9:15 pm
i have two kids and one of the things i cant tolerate are crimes and abuse against children. i hope this ends soon
October 15, 2012 @ 3:26 pm
First time to hear about Kony. Though I feel for the kids…why does such cruelty exists.
Kristine´s last [post] ..Beautiful Monday!