Smart is Sexy

The video of Ashton Kutcher’s acceptance speech at the 2013 Teen Choice Awards went viral earlier this week. He received the “Ultimate Choice Award,” and decide to dish out some ultimate advise:

>> Opportunities look a lot like work.

>> The sexiest thing in the entire world is being really smart

>> Build your own life.

Wise words. Really, wise words. If only the audience could stop for a second and really listen. Seriously, it was a great message, but the young ones in the live show wasn’t ready for it. Good thing social media is keeping the message going, so even the young girls who couldn’t stop to listen then can just watch the videos over and over, and then hopefully pick up a lesson or two (or three).

For many people, it’s not easy to talk about building your own life. It is a lot easier to conform – to just fall in line and do what’s been done for a very long time. No one ever said that going with the flow was a bad thing. As for myself, I’m still defining the life I want for the future. I think I’m living a good one right now, but what do I really want for the rest of time? 🙂