September’s Here!

We’re done with the roller coaster ride that was August. Welcome, September!



Work was like being in a constant state of flux.

I will be doing things a little more differently for September – or maybe I should say I will be going back to basics – but the challenge will be in making sure I keep at it until the end of the month. This is the month I hope to once again meet my Scorecard goals and get me some additional shopping money in the process.  🙂

The blog wasn’t a flurry of activity last month, but that meant more sleep for me – Yay! Less movies were viewed, compared to the weekly trips to the cinema last July (some weeks we even went to see two movies!). No personal projects or goals were undertaken, although I did decide to do Project 31 Selfies on the very last day of the month.

I got to wear a dress to work for each week in August, I think. I love it and I don’t care if anyone doesn’t, ha! 🙂 I plan on doing the same thing this September – no matter if I have to recycle them dresses already 🙂

Here are a few goals I’m hoping to meet for September 2013:


  1. Weekly 1-1s with my direct reports
  2. Weekly Recognition Day for my business unit (I did three, and missed two for August)
  3. Meet scorecard goal
  4. Start a regular education/personal development session with my team


  1. Edit book collection/audit TBR pile. Will not go to the NBS sale or the MIBF without first doing this.
  2. Budget, budget. Budget!
  3. Finish my Ripple Blanket and start another crochet/knit project
  4. Continue reading
  5. Write more
  6. Map out home organization project
  7. Go to Corregidor
  8. Sleep minimum 5 hours
  9. Get 15 minutes of daily exercise done
  10. Have a 3-day juice fast
  11. Get two facials done

I wonder how many I’ll really keep up with? We’ll see.

How about you? What are your goals for this month?