A Very Merry Christmas for 2013
I didn’t really write down a proper wishlist this year, but I know I got whatever I would have wished for anyway. Even before I thought it, whatever it is, it’s already been given. That’s what I learned this year. I am blessed beyond measure and that is all I could have really ever wished for this Christmas.
So, from our home to yours – A very Merry Christmas!
I didn’t even know we still had a Christmas tree. We used to have one filled with so many ornaments. But we had to get rid of them. After the holidays, when decors and ornaments go on sale, I’d get some for our tree next year. Hehe. Amir really liked our simple tree and it would be nice to have a bit more next time.
This reminds me of Lisa Leonard’s Christmas ornaments. If you haven’t seen her work yet, then you should check her out! I follow her on Instagram and see so much that I’d love to have. Sigh. Maybe next time. Here’s an example, a letter Holly ornament, photo lifted from her website:
On IG she posted an owl ornament, as well as a mitten. Not sure if those are still available until now. These are real keepsakes and the type that become family heirloom.
Anyhoo, those ornaments are nice to have, but they don’t make Christmas. You know what I mean? I may not have them (yet), we had a great and wonderful Christmas anyway.
December 31, 2013 @ 3:27 am
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas season and that the coming year brings more joy. Here’s wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year!
Eliz@PositiveKismet´s last [post] ..Haiku: A Merry Christmas Story
January 4, 2014 @ 11:30 pm
Thank you so much! I wish you all the best for this new year too Elizabeth 🙂